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Return to an Order oj the House of Representatives dated the Bth October, 1909. Ordered, "That there be laid before this House a return showing the Native land leased or otherwise disposed of during the last five years in the King-country, giving the particulars of the areas leased and sold, the names of the lessees and purchasers, and the payments or rentals agreed upon ; also a summary of the sawmilling-rights agreed upon, and tho terms and conditions upon which the timber has been sold." —(Mr. Hoqq.)

Particulars of Areas leased in the King-country from the 1st October, 1904, to the 30th September, 1909.

Name of Block. Area. Name of Lessee. Rental. VIaugaawakino No. 4 .. a i<. p. 3,347 0 0 Berry, D. .. Is. per acre per annum ; royalty, 4d. per ton coal, 3d. per 100 (t. (or kahikatea, and 4d. for rimu and niatai. 5s. per acre first 7 yearn, Gβ. next 7 years, 7s. last 7 years. 3a. per acre, with right of renewal at 4s. per anre. £1 10s. per acre. ftinohnku West P No. Iβ, Section 2* Pukeroa-Hangatiki No. Iα 25 0 0 Atkinson and Slade .. 100 0 0 Board, A. S. 3hura South G No. 4m K No. 2, Section 2b 20 0 0 Puketapu Sawmilling Company 483 0 0 Ryan, C. J... Is. first 11 years, Is. 3d. remaining 10 years. £30 Cs. per annum. 13. first 10 years, 2s. remaining 11 years. 3s. Id. first 8 years, 3s. 8d. remaining 7 years. Ditto. re Kumi No. 9 Paumatatotara No. Iα .. Motukawa 2b No. 23 19 0 0 Standish, M. G3C 2 0 ! 551 0 0 Batley, A. 0. P. No. 24 .. No. 25 .. Pirongia West No. 1, Section 2b Hauturu East B No. 2, Section 2c 274 0 0 600 0 0 908 1 11 Terry, W. .. 50 0 0 Larsen, L. .. ii £25 per annum. Nil first 2 years, 2s. next 5 years, 3s. next 5 years, 4s. remaining 9 years. 11s. per acre per annum. Iβ. Iβ. 3d. per acre, with right of renewal at 3s. 6d. per aore. Is. first 10 years, Is. 6d. next 11 years, 4s. remaining 21 years. Ditto. Iβ. 6d. per acre. £914 5s. 9d. per annum first 7 yeare. Pukenui No. 2d No. 7 .. .. I iuruwhero No. 3q .. rlauturu West G No. 2, Section 1 50 0 0 Stanton, T. C. 272 2 10 Teasdale, J. B. 769 0 0 Cowern, T. P. S. rlauturu East No. 2a, Section 2.. 49 2 25 Wilson, K. A. 3.. Pukenui '2m Puketapu liauhungaroa No. 8 iinohaku West K, Section 2c .. . 2b .. iinohaku East No. 2, Seotion 17 )hura South K No. 1, Section 2c No. 1 (inohaku East No. 4p, Section 2 62 1 15 180 0 0 Lovett, W. .. 640 0 0 Henderson, M. 640 0 0 Stewart, R. H. 2,046 0 0 Jones, S. E. 1,276 0 0 I Jones, W. .. 420 0 0 I Symes, A. .. 116 1 0 Ryan, C. J... 180 2 11 Hunt, N.J... Is. per acre. 2s. first 10 years, 3s. remaining 11 years. Is. first 21 years, 2s. remaining 21 years. Is. first 7 years, 2s. second 7 years, 3s. remaining 7 years. Ditto. No. 4o, . 2 No. 4q, . 3 No. 4h, . 4 No. 4p, , 3 No. 4e 3 ukenui No. 2o 486 0 0 403 1 0 455 1 39 813 2 0 213 3 32 336 0 0 Ormsby, Jer. ii finohaku West 11b No. 2a 119 0 15 Brown, A. .. Is. first 7 years, Iβ. 6d. second 7 years, 2s. remaining 7 years. 2s. 6d. per aore, with right of renewal at 5 per cent. 3s. 3d. per acre first 7 years, 4s. remain14 years. itotukawa 2b No. 10a .. 200 0 0 Hagger, H. E. 1—G. 11.