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No. 65. The High Commissioner to the Right Hon. the Prime Minister. Westminster Chambers, 13 Victoria Street, London, S.W., 12th February, 1909. (Memorandum.) I beg to transmit herewith for the Hon. Minister's consideration copy of correspondence [not printed] with Mr II W Sullivan, respecting his offer to instal in New Zealand his system of wireless telegraphy for communicatiorj between coastal stations and lightships, and also with passing vessels at consider* able distances, for an inclusive sum of £500 per station, or with " spares £700. The offer was referred to Sir W. H. Preece for his report, copy of which is also attached Lno .';,, Wm. Hall-Jones. printed]. [Tel. 00/344(.-»).l __—^-^——^— — No. 66. The Superintendent of Electric Lines, Wellington, to Mr. S. Irwin Crookes, Epsom, Auckland, o _ General Post Office, Wellington, 15th February, 1909. I have the honour, by direction, to refer to your letter of the 19th December last, comparing the cost of establishing communication between Ifew Zealand and Austraha by a submanne cable and 1)7 ln e reply d I g am P to state that this Department has no intention of laying a new cable or establishing a wireless telegraph system to Australia for the purpose of competing with the existing submarine cables, one of which is the joint property of this Dominion and other countries. I have, however, to thank you for the trouble you have taken in the matter. I have, &c, J. K. Logan. Superintendent of Electric Lines. S. Irwin Crookes, Esq., A.M.1.E.E., F.C.S., Onslow Road, Epsom, Auckland. [Tel. 00/844.] No. 67. The Hon. the Postmaster-General to the Right Hon. the Prime Minister. (W N 64 ) 13th March > 1909 - Circulars No. 6 [not printed] and Notifications up to No 13 [not printed] have been duly received. Any issued since those two numbers respectively should be forwarded. No copies of he documents of the Berlin Conference, 1906, or of the Berlin Convention have been received from the „ ~a„onal Office, nor have any additional copies of the Journal Telegraphique, due in consequence , , „ the Radu.telcgraphic Convention, been received. The reply asked to be sent by telegraph tothe letter Colonial Office should be that this Government is willing to begin. ita contribution to the expense of the International Bureau on account of its adherence to the Radiotelegraphic Convention as from the Ist January, 1907. ■)• G. Ward, Postmastej-GeneraL [Tel. 00/844(2).] .... No. 68. The Right Hon. the Prime Minister to the High Commissioner. s _ Prime Minister's Office, Wellington, 2nd April, 1909. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your memorandum of the 12th February last, covering copy of correspondence with Mr. H. W. Sullivan on the subject of his offer to instal in New Zealand his system of wireless telegraphy, and a copy of Sir W. H. Preece s report^hereon The question of establishing wireless-telegraph stations in New Zealand, and fixing the positions thereof has not yet been determined, although it is under consideration. In the meantime, I should be obliged if you would reply to Mr. Sullivan thanking him for his statmg that it cannot be entertained at present. av £ G C^ ARD prime M^ter. The Hon. Wm. Hall-Jones, High Commissioner for New Zealand, London. [Tel. 00/844(5).]

Approximate Co* of Paper.-mpinMm (not given); printing (1|«10 oopie.). ttl I* M

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o9.
