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2. The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs has conveyed to the Portuguese Government, through His Majesty's Minister at Lisbon, the assent of His Majesty's Government to the revised regulations and tariffs so far as regards the United Kingdom, and I shall be glad to receive in due course from vour Ministers a corresponding notification of the approval of the regulations and tariffs on behalf of the Government of New Zealand. I have, &c, Governor, the Right Hon. Lord Plunket, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.0., &c. Crewe. [Tel. 00/1223.] No. 18. The Director-General of Posts and Telegraphs, Lisbon, to the lion, the Poktmaktku-Gkneral. Wellington. SIR — Lisbon, 27th March, 1909. It having been decided in the sixth and last full sitting of the Lisbon Conference thai only one copy of the regulations as revised by that Conference should be signed by all the delegates, and thai a duly certified copy should be then seal to each of the contracting States. I have the honour to forward you a copy of this document. I would ask you to be so g las to submit it to your Government, in order that its assent thereto may be notified to the Portuguese Government through the diplomatic channel. . I have, &c, Th' Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington, New Zealand. Director General. [Acknowledged, 26th May, 1909.1 [Tel. 09/1223(2).] No. 19. The Right Hon. the Prime Minister to His Excellency the Governor. Prime Minister's Office, Wellington, 14th June, 1909. Memorandum for His Excellency the Governor. In reference to the letter from the Colonial Office, dated the 30th December last, relating to the regulations and tariffs as revised at the International Telegraph Conference, at Lisbon, and to the Prime Minister's memorandum of the 13th ultimo [not printed], requesting His Excellency to notify the Colonial Office of the approval of the regulations and tariffs by the New Zealand Government, the Prime Minister has now the honour to request that His Excellency will convey the approval by telegraph, a request having been made that the information be conveyed to the Minister of Foridgn Afiairs, Lisbon, by the 22nd instant. J. G. Ward, Prime Minister. [Tel. 09/1223.] No. 20. The Right Hon. Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Governor. My Lord,— Downing Street, London, 2nd July, 1909. With reference to your telegram of the 16th June [not printed], I have the honour torequest you to inform your Ministers that the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs has instructed His Majesty's representatives at Lisbon to notify the Portuguese Government of the assent of the New Zealand Government to the revised regulations and tariffs drawn up at the International Telegraph Conference held at Lisbon in 1908. j have. &c. Crewe. Governor the Right Hon. Lord Plunket, &c, &c. [Tel. 09/1223.] No. 21. The Acting-Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Director-General of Telegraphs, Lisbon. Sir — General Post Office, Wellington, 16th July, 1909.' I have the honour to refer to your telegram of the 12th ultimo [not printed], requesting that the ratification by the New Zealand Government of the regulations and tariff's as revised at the International Telegraph Conference at Lisbon be conveyed by telegraph, and to your telegram, received here on the 26th ultimo [not printed], asking for a reply ; and to confirm the Postmaster-General's telegram of the 3rd instant [not printed] stating that the ratification had been telegraphed through the diplomatic channel on the 16th ultimo. I have, &c, W. R. Morris, The Director-General of Telegraphs, Lisbon. Acting-Secretary. [Tol. 09/1223.]