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Wellington college. Staff. Boys College.—Mr. J. P. Firth, B.A. ; Mr. A. Heine, M.A. ; Mr. A. 0. Gifford, M.A. ; Mr. C. <;. S. RobißOn, M.A. . Mr. T. Broclie, B.A. ; Mr. K. II lieimcr, M.A. ; Mr. R. E. Rudman, MA.; Mr. D. Mathosou ; .Mr. .1. ('. Pope; Mr. J. G. Castle; Mr. 0. Williams, M.A. ; Mr. W. J. Martyn, M.A. ; Mr. H. F. Revel!, B.A. ; Mr. H. A. Smithson, M.A. i Mr. B. Dovey; Mr. G. R. Pitkethly ; Mr. \V. S. U Trobe; Mr. J. Kllis. dirts' College. —Miss M. A. IfoLesn, M.A. ; Miss M. ('. Mm-rali. M.A. : Miss M. \. Gellatly, M.A. ; Miss 1. Bodesfield, M.A. ; Miss A. M. Battum, B.A. ; Miss E. A. Newman, M.A. ; Miss V. L Date, B.A. ; Miss E. M. Johnston; Miss \\. EUnnay ; Miss R.M. (Collins, M.A. ; Miss W. S. Fraser, M.A. ; Miss Medley ; Miss K. Lawson ; Mr. J. W. M. Harrison. 1. Report of the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors have to report that the Wellington College and the Wellington Girls' College have done good work during the past year. The new building adjacent to Wellington College is now in use, the number of pupils attending being 426, of whom 284 hold free places. The accommodation afforded by the two buildings is just sufficient. The large increase in the number of pupils has necessitated a corresponding increase in the number of the staff, which now consists of the eighteen assistant masters. With reference to last year's work, the result of the University and Civil Service Examinations were as follows : — Wellington College : Two pupils won Junior University Scholarship, one with the highest marks on record, the other was third on the list; 4 Junior University Scholarship Examination with credit; 3 passed in the same examination ; 34 passed the Medical Preliminary, Solicitor's General Knowledge and Matriculation Examinations; (> gained Senior Education Board Scholarships; 14 passed the Junior Civil Service Examination with credit, one being second on the list in the Dominion ; 15 passed the same examination ; 9 qualified on the same for senior free places ; 1 passed the Senior Civil Service Examination (complete) with distinction, one of two in the Dominion ; 1 passed the same examination. Girls' College : Two pupils won Senior National Scholarships ; 1 passed the intermediate examination for Mus. Bac. degree ; 22 passed the Matriculation Examination ; 9 passed the Solicitors' General Knowledge Examination ;22 passed the Junior Civil Service Examination, 8 with credit; 1 passed the Senior Civil Service Examination ; 2 won Senior Education Board Scholarships ; 1 gained a senior free place. 2. Work of the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. — Boys' College: (as for Junior Scholarship), Shenstone's Chemistry, Qualitative Analysis ; electricity and magnetics, Poyser, as for Junior Scholarship. Latin V : Horace, Odes, II ; Cicero, Pro Lege Manilia ; Roman History, Horton ; Composition from Bradley's Aids and Bradley's Arnold (exercises 35 to end); Antiquities, notes. French —Colomba, Merimee ; Le Medecin Malgre Lvi, Moliere ; Rey's French Composition ; Eve and de Bandiss, I ; Vecqueray's Papers. English—Nesfield's Historical Derivation; King Lear; Chaucer's Prologue; Longer English Poems, Hales. Mathematics —Arithmetic, Problem papers, as for Junior Scholarship ; algebra, as for Junior Scholarship higher algebra ; geometry, geometry and solid geometry as for Junior Scholarship; trigonometry, Loney, as for Junior Scholarship. German—lsolde Kurz : Die llumanistan; Goethe, Hermuun and Dorothea; Eve's Exercises; Stedman's Examination-papers. Girls' College : English—Nesfield's Historical Grammar ; Esmond ; Henry V ; and part of the Faerie Queene. Latin—iEneid, Book VI ; Gallic War, Book VII ; In Catilinam ; Odes of Horace ; Agricola ; Bradley's Arnold, except supplementary exercises ; Primer of Roman Antiquities (Wilkins) ; Horton's History of the Romans; Proses and Unseens. French—Wellington College Grammar; (viano de Bergerac; Le Joueur; Idioms and Proverbs; proses; phonetics; paronyms. Mathematics (work as for Junior University Scholarship Examination) —Baker and Bourne's Geometry ; Pendlebury's Arithmetic ; Hall and Knight's Algebra ; Briggs and Bryan's Algebra, Pendlebury's Trigonometry. Botany (as for Junior University Scholarship)—Dendy and Lucas's Botany and Aitkin's Botany, Physics—Heat, as for Junior University Scholarship; textbook, Draper's Heat. History (as for Matriculation) —Text-book, Students', Gardiner. Geography (as for matriculation)- —Text-book, Longmans', Book 111. Physiology (as for matriculation) —Text-book, Foster and Shore. Lowest. — Boys' College —Chemistry—Walker, pages 1-28. Electricity and magnetics—Wright's Physics. Physiology—Murche. Latin—lnglis and Prettyman, to lesson 35. French— Siepmann, I. English—WestwardHo! ; Nesfield's Manual to page 83, and analysis ; geography, Standard VI. Southern Cross, page 80 to end ; notes on physical geography ; recitation, Poems of Lord Tennyson (Blackie) ; history, Oman's Junior to page 101. Mathematics —Arithmetic Southern (toss. Standard III; algebra, chapters i-x ; geometry, Godfrey and Siddons, to page 34. Girls' College: English—Nesfield's Outlines; Lady of the Lake; Tales of King Arthur's Knights. History—Gardiner's Outlines, Henry VII to Charles 11. Geography—Osborne, Geographical Reader, pages 86-1(57. Latin- Boll's Latin Course, Part I and Part II to end of exercise 12. French—Method c Naturelle, to lesson 36. Arithmetic — Reduction; L.C.M. ; G.C.M.; practice; vulgar fractions. Botany—Botany for Beginners (Edmunds). Physics—Elementary Physical Science (no text-book). Physiology—Hygienic Physiology (Coleman), pages 1-101.