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1. Report of the Board of Governors. The School.— At the beginning of the year 381 boys and 219 girls wen- in the two schools, of whom 335 boys and 199 girls held free, places under the regulations, and for whose tuition the Government paid at tin- rati- nf £9 ss. capitalion fur each of the three terms. Tin- Board at the end of the year removed the girls' school to the new school Imilding in Howe Street erected tor them, on which thenwas spent up to the end nf 1908 £11,079 ss. 5d., of which the Government lias provided £5.000, ami has promised £1,000 for the formation of grounds, fencing, and furniture. The linn, the Minister of Education has kindly consented to formally open it before the Easter holidays. The boys' school has thus now room to accommodate some 500 pupils as it did m 1905. The work of the girls' school during the year 1908 was, as in the previous year, much hampered by being carried on in two separate buildings, several of the classes being held in St. Paul's schoolroom. Mistresses.—lv October Miss Blades was granted leave nf absence by the Board till the end of the year. The staff was joined on the llth October, 1908, by Miss F. I-'.. A. Grellet, who arrived from London, and entered upmi her duties as French and German mistress, tn which position she was appointed in London on 1,,-half nf the Board by the Hon. \V I. Reeves, High Commissioner for New Zealand. It is a good appointment, like all the others the honourable gentleman has made for the Board during his term nf office. Miss Grellet studied at Newham College, Cambridge, and at Paris. Distinction*. At tie- examinations of December, 1908, three pupils nf the boys' school (A. B. Jameson, K. 11. Melville, •'. ■). Hooking) gained Junior University Scholarships : I. 8. Smale and N. M. .limes qualified for Senior National Scholarships; and I others passed with credit. Thirty-five passed matriculation and 5 others the-medical preuminary. Porty-eight passed the Civil Service Junior Examination, and 53 qualified for senior free places. Fifteen gained senior district schnlarships under the Auckland Education Board. Of former pupils nf the boys' school, H. C. Maclaurin has obtained the degree of D.Sc. at Cambridge, and F. ('. Tibbs that of D.D.S. of the University nf Pensylvania, and R. 11. Walton has qualified as F.R.C.S., Edinburgh. A. E. Moore, I. McNab, F. H. Holmden, C. B. Tudelmpe. .1. E. Brown won medals in the medical school nf the I'niversity of Edinburgh. S. N. Ziman, Rhodes Scholar of has been awarded an honorary mathematical scholarship at Bailiol College, Oxford. The results nf the examinations held in December, 1908, for the girls' school are as follows: 45 passed matriculation, L 9 passed the Junior Civil Service with distinction, and -13 others gained senior free places. Three gained Senior District Schnlarships under the Auckland Education Board. Miss H. M. Northcroft, an old pupil of the school, gained her M.8., CM., in Edinburgh, and was Clark Medallist for the year. Several prizes were won in the, girls' school at the oral examination held by the Auckland French Crab. The usual distriiiuti f prizes tnok place In the Choral Hall mi the liith December, 19()8: 48 prizes were given in the girls, fin tn the boys : their total oosl was some E6O. Two prizes were again given by Mr. J. I. Hooton for English essays and one for practical chemistry by Mr. P. M. Mackay, J.P. C. Maurice O'Rorke, M.A., LL.D., Chairman. •>. Work of the Highest ami Lowest Classes. Highest Boy' School: English -Nesfield, English, Pasl and Present; Pope, Rape of the Look; Goldsmith, Citizen of the World: Shakespeare, Hamlet: Chaucer. Prologue. Latin-Livy, IX; Vn-eil. VI : Cicero's Letters (Tyrell); Horace, Odes, I: Cicero, Pro Cluentio. French—Rey's French Composition and Idioms ; L'Anneau d'Argenl : EJerthou's Selection nf French Verse. Mathematics— Todhunter and Loney's AJgebra : Bake- and Bourne's Geometry ; Hall and Knight's Trigonometry; Ward's Trigonometrical Exercises. Heat Edser's Heat for Advanced Students. Chemistry— Tilden's Practical Chemistry. Girls' School: English -Literature—Macbeth, Macaulay's Essay on Warren Hastings, Samson Agonistes, Spenser's Faery Queene, Nesfield's Past and Present. LatinVirgil's iEneid, Book VI ; Horace, Odes, Book I ; Cicero's Select Letters ; Livy, Books XXI, XXII; Bradley's Arnold ; North and Hillard ; Postdate's New Latin Primer ; Roman Antiquities (Wilkins) ; Stuekburgh's History of Rome for Beginners. French ; Modern French Poetry; Wall's Concise French Grammar; Rey's Composition. Botany—Scott's Flowering and Flowerless Plants, Groom's Bntanv. Mathematics — Geometry, Baker and Browne; algebra, Todhunter and Loney'; Jones and Cheyne; arithmetic, School (Workman's); trigonometry, Borchardt; mechanics, Jessop; heat. Glasebrook. Lowest. -Boys' School: English Nesfield's Outlines nf English Grammar; Temple Reader; Scott, Lav nf the Last Minstrel. Latin Macmillan's Latin Course, Pan I ; Invasion of Britain. French Macmillan's French Curse. First Year: Javau's Flemetitarv French Readmg-bnok. Hen graphv Longmans' Geography, The World. Arithmetic [xmey and Granville's Arithmetic Mathematics—Longmans" Elementary Algebra; Baker and Bourne's Geometry. Girls School: English Literature Temple Reader, Lav of Last Minsl rel, The Heroes ; Nesfield's Outlines of English Grammar. Latin—Macmillan's First Latin Course. French—Macmillan's First French Course; Scenes from Child-life ; conversational work done by means of pictures ; course of phonetics. Botany—Experimental work, general descriptions of plants, flowers, and simple physiology. Mathematics—Baker and Bourne's Geometry; algebra, Longmans'; arithmetic, Borchardt's Junior. History—Arabella Buckley's History of England. Geography Longmans' Geography, Part 11.