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General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1908 — continued.

John Rennie, Chairman. H. H. Pitman, Steward. Examined and found correct.— J. K. Wahburton, Controller and Auditor-General,

OTAGO. Sir, — Education Reserves Office, Dunedin, 2nd June, 1909. In accordance with Order in Council dated the 15th December, 1878, I have the honour to forward herewith report of the School Commissioners for the Otago Provincial District for year ended 31st December, 1908. The members of the School Commissioners' Board were as follows : Messrs. William Dallas (Chairman), Donald Borrie, Thomas Mac Gibbon, E. H. Wilmot, and the Hon. Henry Feldwick. By the lamented death of the Hon. H. Feldwick in August last a vacancy was caused on the Board of School Commissioners which has since been filled by the appointment of Mr. J. A. Hanan, M.P. During the whole of the time the late Mr. Feldwick held a seat on the Board he took an active interest in the management of the endowments, and his loss caused his colleagues a genuine feeling of sorrow. During the year fourteen meetings were held, at which a large amount of business was transacted. Three auction sales were held during the year, when thirty-six sections were leased for agricultural purposes, and fourteen township sections. The area of the agricultural land was 3,950 acres 2 roods 4 perches leased to twenty-nine tenants at £1,164 14s. lid., or an average of ss. IOJd. per acre. The fourteen township sections contained 4 acres 3 roods 16 perches, and were leased to fourteen tenants at £32 2s. 6d. per annum. The sum of £415 10s. Bd. was realised from the sale of unlettable township sections by the Land Department on behalf of the Commissioners, and for payment of lands taken under the Public Works Act. £338 18s. 9d. of this amount was invested in the purchase of other lands, and added to the endowments. The Commissioners' rent-roll at the end of 1908 contained 969 tenants, at an annual rent of £13,995 19s. sd. During the year the sum of £2,600 was invested on freehold security at 5£ per cent, interest, and £1,189 10s. lid. was received in repayment of loans. The amount of loans on the 31st December, 1908, was £41,073 11s. 6d., the interest due for the year being £1,878 9s. 10d., the whole of which, with the exception of £10 2s. 3d. (since paid) was collected during the year. The amount on fixed deposit in the Bankjof was £1,800. Of the sum of £2,562 Is. 10d. shown in the statement of expenditure as rents in arrear on the 31st December, 1908 (the mos of which was for rent due in advance on the Ist November last), £1,570 4s. 10d. has since been collected. In explanation of the amounts shown as expenditure in the statement of accounts, I may say that £63 16s. 2d. was paid for train fares ; £38 Is. 6d. for stamps, telegrams, and telephone ; £285 2s. 9d. on improvements of endowments ; and £278 13s. 6d. to outgoing tenants for valuation for improvements —the latter sum being collected from incoming tenants. A copy of the statement of income and expenditure and balance-sheet, duly audited, was forwarded to your Department on the sth ultimo. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. William Dallas, Chairman.

Primary. Total. Liabilities. Steward's salary, December, 1908 Awaiting appropriation in purchase of land Proceeds of sale by Land Board of Opawa Town Sections, Albury, awaiting investment £ s. d. & s. d. 45 0 0 278 10 7 1,219 18 3 Total liabilities 1,543 8 10