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Teaching Staff.—At the close of the year there were in the service of the Board 144 male and 220 female teachers, 12 male and 68 female pupil-teachers—total, 156 males, 288 females, or 444 in all, an increase of 3 during the year. The corresponding numbers for 1907 were 153 males, 288 females, or 441 in all. The number of uncertificated teachers was 78, to 12 of whom had been granted a license, the corresponding numbers for the preceding year being 68 and 23. Instruction of Teachers. —The Board was enabled to arrange during the year for the courses of instruction mentioned below, and the response of tfte teachers, both in attendance and in enthusiasm, must have been very gratifying to the instructors. At the schools of instruction in agriculture, three in number, held at Greytown in January and at the term holidays, each for a fortnight's continuous work, there were enrolled fifty-six teachers, who each surrendered a week's holiday in order to attend. The Inspectors are of opinion that a distinct improvement of the work in many schools is observable, us one result of the earnest efforts put forth by teachers to fit themselves for this new department of school-work. Excellent attendances were recorded at Mr. Parker's singing classes, both at Wellington and Masterton. Subject. Centre. Instructor. Number of Teachers. Drawing and handwork .. Wellington Technical School staff 66 Agriculture .. .. Greytown Mr. Davies 56 Cookery .. .. Wellington Miss Ivey 41 ~ .. .. Masterton Miss Talbot 27 Woodwork .. .. Wellington Mr. Howe 14 Cardboard modelling .. ~ ~ 20 Singing and deep breathing.. Masterton Mr. Parker 51 „ „ .. Wellington „ 133 Deep breathing .. .. Masterton Mr. Garlick 70 „ .. .. Pahiatua ~ 26 Training College.—The work of the Training College for teachers is discussed at length in the report of the Principal. The total enrolment was 80, a full complement—32 of the second year, 48 of the first; 34 from Wellington, 25 from Wanganui, 9 from Hawke's Bay, 2 from Marlborough, 4 from Nelson, 3 from Taranaki, and 1 each from Grey, Otago, and Southland; 58 of Class A, 22 of Class B. There were, besides, a number of teachers who visited the College for purposes of observation. The growth of the work of the College renders necessary a building addition and an increase in the area of the site. The subjects of agriculture a , " A nature-study require much more room for their adequate treatment than the small area at present available permits of. So large a proportion of the students in the Middle University District will fill positions in country schools that the Board has no hesitation in commending to the Department expenditure which will benefit most immediately the country child. The efforts of the Committee of Advice and of the Principal have been directed to keeping the institution in close touch with the needs of the districts served by the College. Scholarships.—For Junior Scholarships there competed 261 candidates, and there were awarded 41 Junior Board and 4 Junior National Scholarships. For Senior Board Scholarships there were 65 candidates, to 14 of whom were awarded Scholarships. District High Schools.—-The ten District High Schools have continued in operation, but the decrease noted last year still continues. For three years the numbers are 540, 463, 441. Manual and Technical Instruction.—During the year capitation, under the Manual and Technical Regulations, was earned by 121 schools, as compared with 116 in 1907, and 120 in 1906. The following table shows the numbers under instruction during the year in the various manual and technical subjects :— c , . . -Number of Number of Sub J ect - Schools. Pupils. Handwork ... ... ... ... ... ... 95 11,023 Elementary agriculture ... ... ... ... 54 1,018 Needlework (with instructor when head teacher is a male) ... 16 211 Elementary chemistry ... ... ... ... 7 193 Physiology and first aid ... ... ... ... 7 382 Swimming and life saving ... ... ... ... 7 616 Elementary and physical measurements ... ... ... 8 424 Dairy-work ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 8 Dressmaking ... ... ... ... ... 4 98 Cookery (Wairarapa and Pahiatua centres) ... ... 9 235 ~ ' (Wellington centre) ... ... % ... ... 9 362 ~ (Manawatu) ... ... ... ... ... 2 59 Woodwork (Wellington centre) ... ... ... ... 9 766 Total ... ... 15,995 Instruction in cookery has been given at Thorndon and Newtown, in Wellington; at Levin and Otaki; and at various Wairarapa centres. The most considerable increase in numbers under instruction was in handwork, agriculture, physiology, swimming and life saving, and woodwork. Instruction in woodwork is still confined to Wellington and suburban schools, but will, it is proposed, shortly be extended to Petone and Hutt. The Board views with pleasure the completion of the fine new Technical School at Petone, which it trusts will fully justify its establishment.