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Paremoremo Domain, Sections Nos. 76a and 94a, Paremoremo Parish. Area, 6 acres 1 rood 1 perch. This domain is situated in Albany Village, and is unimproved and unoccupied. Parnell Domain. Allotments Nos. 89 of Section No. 1, 34 of Section No. 4, and 5a of Section No. 14, Suburbs of Auckland. Area, 8 acres 1 rood 38 perches. Work done during year : Shrubs planted and fences attended to. Pirongia Domain. Allotments Nos. 510, 511, 512, and 513, Town of Pirongia East, Town Belt of Pirongia East, and Town Belt of Pirongia West. Area, 450 acres 3 roods 8 perches. One hundred and forty-nine acres leased on improvement conditions. Improvements now on domain : Fences and grassing. Used for grazing. Plumer Domain. Sections Nos. 11 and 12, Plumer Hamlet, Parish of Waipareira. Area, 6 acres 2 roods 31 perches. Portion of this domain is in grass, the remainder in native bush. Used for picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year :, Erecting fences, eradicating noxious weeds, and clearing. Pokeno Domain. Allotment No. 138 of Section No. 1, Pokeno Settlement, Opaheke Survey District, and Section No. 154, Maungatawhiri Parish. Area, 132 acres and 4 perches. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland. Noxious weeds have been kept down. Improvements now on domain : Grassing. Leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Keeping noxious weeds in check. Puhoi Domain. Section No. 130, Parish of Puhoi. Area, 3 acres. Nil report furnished. Pukapuka Domain. Section No. 82a, Parish of Mahurangi. Area, 27 acres. Nil report furnished. Puniu Domain (Part op). Part of Section No. 223, Parish of Puniu. Area, 7 acres and 32 perches. This portion of Puniu Domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auck land. Improvements now on domain : Fences (out of repair), and grassing. Not used. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Eradicating noxious weeds. Puniu Domain (Part of). Section No. 54a, and Allotments Nos. 6, and parts of 5, 7, and 8 of Section No. 236, Mangapiko Parish. Area, 15 acres and 20 perches. Work done during year : Flower-beds laid out, paths formed and covered with sand, ornamental trees planted, road frontages cleared of noxious weeds, and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fences, plantations; and pavilion. Used for athletic sports and general recreation. Eight acres leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erecting seats under shelter-trees, erecting new entrance-gates, replacing dead shrubs, and general maintenance. The Board keeps in view the extension of the frontage of the Lake Ngaroto Reserve to the new water-line. A survey of the reclaimed land has been made. Rangitoto Island Domain. Area, 5,698 acres 2 roods of Rangitoto Island, situated in Rangitoto Survey District. Improvements now on domain : Wharf, three concrete tanks, two shelter-sheds, seats, fireplaces, and a well-graded path to summit of mountain. Used for picnics ; also visited by tourists. The Devonport Ferry Company runs steamers to the domain twice weekly and on all holidays, and pays the Domain Board Id. on each ticket sold. The Board's receipts are occasionally increased by the sale of scoria and blue metal. Proposed.operations for ensuing year: Clearing path, emptying and cleaning tanks, and extending and improving track to top of mountain. Raupo Domain. Sections Nos. 58. Block XVI, Tokatoka Survey District, and 1, 2, 15, and 16, Village of Raupo. Area, 37 acres 2 roods 28 perches. The domain was covered with flax, but this has been destroyed by fire. The Board proposes to lease the area on improvement conditions.