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Summary of Non-fatal (Serious) Accidents on the Southern Coalfields during 1908 classified. Number of Separate Number of PerNoi -fatal Accidents, sons injured. Explosions of firedamp .. . . . . . . 1 3 Falls in mine ... Shaft accidents .. . . .. Miscellaneous — Underground . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 On surface Totals .. .. .. .. .. 2 4 Prosecutions. Proceedings were taken in the Magistrate's Court on two occasions, and fines imposed in each case : — 1. Alexander Cain, mine-owner, Waikaia, was charged with employing men on Sunday, 19th July, 1908, he not being the holder of a permit from the Inspector, and on pleading guilty was fined £1, %nd costs. 2. Alexander S. Gillanders, mine-manager, Freeman's Colliery, Abbotsford, was fined £5, and costs £2 95., for inadequate ventilation of working-places on the 29th December, 1908. I have, &c, E. R. Green, Inspector of Mines.



EXAMINATION OF CANDIDATES FOR FIRST-CLASS CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY. Subject I.— Prospecting, Shaft- sinking, Tunnelling, and Opening out a Colliery. 1. If Carboniferous rocks were found dipping under more recent geological formations, state in detail what measures you would adopt to determine the existence of workable seams of coal to the best advantage. 2. Describe the necessary plant and appliances, and how you would operate same, to sink a pair of shafts, 80 yards apart, to a depth of 1,700 ft., with a feeder of water of 300 gallons per minute following the sinking down to 1,450 ft. 3. A pair of shafts having been sunk 1,500 ft. to a seam of coal dipping 1 in 6, with soft floor and fairly hard roof, describe and also show by sketches how you would proceed to open out the colliery for an output of 1,200 tons per day of eight hours. 4. Describe, and show by sketches, the modern equipment of a mine with respect to drainage, haulage, winding, and screening, for a large output. Subject 2.— Working Coal and timbering underground. 1. Describe, and illustrate by sketches, the bord-and-pillar, double-stall, longwall working out, also working home, systems of coal-winning, and explain the conditions under which any one of these systems would be the better to adopt. 2. Explain the causes of " creeps" and "thrusts," and give sketches illustrating the effect of same; also state the anticipatory measures you would adopt to prevent their occurrence. 3. Describe, and show by sketches, the different methods of coal-hewing with which you are acquainted, and the methods of timbering the working-places. Explain the dangers to be guarded against, with special reference to pillar extraction. 4. If you had to take out some bars in a main road to increase the height where the weight of roof upon them is very heavy, explain and show by sketches how you would do it.