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Redcliff Station Coal-pit, Redcliff, Otautau (Helder and Awdry, proprietors).—(2o/11/1908) : Some prospecting has been done on the face of a high terrace, exposing several thin seams, but of a non-paying character. Te Anau Goal-pit, Upukarora, Te Anau Downs (Tourist and Health Resorts Department, owner ; Captain Dore, agent, Manapouri).—(2l/11/1908) : Opencast pit on terrace above banks of Upukarora River. Seam, 7 ft. Stripping, 8 ft. to 10 ft., overhanging in places, clearly indicating undermining, an unsafe manner of working the pit, and hand-to-mouth, as it were, as might be expected by the system in vogue of annual competitive contracting for getting the coal.. In the interests of the lake-steamer traffic, and as this is the only coal-pit convenient, it would appear to be worthy of being placed on a more workmanlike and permanent basis. There is no plant on the ground. The pit is easily capable of being conducted in a satisfactory manner. I subsequently wrote Captain Dore, Tourist Agent, Manapouri, as to the condition of the pit. Beer's Coal-pit, The Key (Mrs. T. Beer, lessee). —(21/11/1908) : Opencast pit, situated on a branch of Princester Creek at the foot of Waterloo Peak, Takatimo. The coal-seam occurs on a spur of the mountain in slip country, is troubled, and averages 6 ft. Stripping, 10 ft. to 20 ft., removed by[water brought in under pressure. Dip irregular, erratic. Mount Linton Coal-pit, Mount Linton, Nightcaps (W. J. A. McGregor, owner). —(17/12/1908) : An old pit. Outcrop of coal is seen in the bed of Morley Stream. Some further prospecting done recently, but coal in quantity not now being got here. Seam apparently below water-level. Nightcaps Colliery, Nightcaps (Nightcaps Coal Company (Limited), owners ; William Handyside, managing director, invercargill; W. Barclay, mine-manager). —(18/12/1908) : Work proceeded much as usual throughout the year. The advantages of the system of development set out some years ago are now more readily perceivable, the boundaries having been reached, and working homeward on pillars and head coal, of which it is estimated that about 85 per cent, is being won. No. 1 district: Ventilation, 18,000 cub. ft. of air per minute at intake. Dips are driven to the fault, and places won, subsequently coming back on robbing-work. On the rise section double and treble stoppings are in on the fringe of the gob where heating occurred ; in other places the roof is brought down and the breaks kept close up to the workings, for greater security of workmen. Ample timber is continually used, and large supplies kept on the premises. Similar conditions prevail in the No. 2 district, which is ventilated by fan separately from No. 1 district. The underground workings and machinery, also surface plant and loading-bank arrangements, are maintained in good order. The opencast workings continue to furnish a considerable proportion of output from the colliery. Rules posted, report-book kept, plan to date, and requirements of the Act generally well observed. Separate magazines are provided for storage of explosives. Samples of mine-air were collected and submitted to the Government Analyst, whose report showed that he was unable to detect firedamp in the samples forwarded. Hit or Miss Goal-pit, Nightcaps (William Tinker, lessee, permit). : —(23/10/08) : Seam 7 ft., all worked. Places well secured with timber. Air good. Steam-pump required to drain water and enable coal being worked to dip. Report-book and copy of Act kept. Rules being posted. Lamont's Coal-mine (H. B.), Nightcaps (G. R. Spence, lessee, permit). —(23/10/08) : Seam 7 ft., all worked. Drive on boundary workings securely timbered. The Willow Coal-pit, Nightcaps (John Clark, lessee). —(17/12/08) : Opencast pit. Stripping well ahead of working-face. New Brighton Coal-mine, Wairio, Nightcaps (D. McKenzie and Co., owners ; D. McKenzie, permit). — (17/12/08) : Seam 17 ft., all being worked by driving and stripping. The mine is situated on the 40-acre section held by William Reed, jun. William Reed's 10-acre section is not at present being worked. Mcßride's area is practically worked out to the rise, only coal for owner's private use now being got. Wairio Coal-mine (lately Manuka HUT), Nightcaps (Wairio Coal Company, owners ; J. Lewis, permit, manager).—(l7/12/08) : Opencast working suspended, and now driving in the coal. Roof strong ; ventilation good ; seam 17 ft. 10 ft. now being worked. Timpany and Co. had prospected by boring on an area at Wairio held under prospecting license. Results are stated to have been unsatisfactory. Wildbush Coal-mine, Riverton (William Smith, lessee ; J. Armstrong, owner). —(29/7/08) : Opencast pit. The pit looks as though some 1,000 tons had been taken out some years ago for disposal locally. Seam 11 ft. Stripping of clay, from 3 ft. to 6 ft. overburden. A tram-line has been made 40 chains to the wharf on Pourokiuo River, and the coal is to be barged to Riverton, two miles and a half distant. A borehole is said to have been put down 800 ft. on the property by Messrs. Anderson, and a seam of coal struck, but further particulars are not available. Bush Siding Coal-pit, Seaward Bush (F. R. Bowden, manager).—A regular output continues to be maintained. Remarks. Samples of mine-air taken from Kaitangata, Nightcaps, and other mines have been analysed by the Government Analyst, to the great advantage of all concerned. Ambulance stretchers and kits under the St. John's Ambulance Association continue to be maintained at Kaitangata, Castle Hill, Nightcaps, Allandale, and Green Island Mines, at which centres coalworkers, under medical tuition, have regularly qualified for rendering first aid to the injured. A set of Vajen-Bader rescue-apparatus is kept at Kaitangata Mine, but experiments with same are not popular.