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No. 6. NEW ZEALAND. The GOVERNOR to the SECRETARY OF STATE. (Received 10.40 a.m., 28 March, 1909.) Telegram. Your telegram of March 24th.* Am desired by Prime Minister inform you that Government and people of New Zealand much gratified acceptance of their offer; their sole desire is to assist Empire, as far as New Zealand resources permit, in maintaining naval supremacy; they feel that Imperial Government can best determine what shape and kind of contribution will promote that end, and, therefore, as desired by Imperial Government, Government of New Zealand will await explanatory despatch.—Plunket.

No. 7. NEW SOUTH WALES. The ACTING GOVERNOR to the SECRETARY OF STATE. (Received 12.35 p.m., 4th April, 1909.) Telegram. [Answered by No. B.] With reference to offer of Dreadnought, Minister asks me to send you following message! : — " Governments of New South Wales and Victoria are of opinion that, defence Australia should speak with one voice, it is most desirable that Governments of New South Wales and Victoria should not take action till the opportunity has been afforded the Commonwealth Parliament, when it meets, to make a proposal to Imperial Government on behalf of all the States. Therefore, if the Commonwealth Parliament resolves to make the offer of a Dreadnought to the Imperial Government, Governments of New South Wales and Victdria have agreed to contribute proportionately to the cost of the same. Despatch has been addressed to Prime Minister of Commonwealth of Australia embodying above views. If, however, Commonwealth Parliament does not adopt this course, Governments of New South Wales and Victoria have agreed immediately to take the necessary steps to obtain the authority of their respective Parliaments to share costs of a Dreadnought on a per capita basis." —G. B. Simpson.

No. 8. VICTORIA: NEW SOUTH WALES. The SECRETARY OF STATE to the GOVERNOR and ACTING GOVERNOR. (Sent 2.50 p.m., 7th April, 1909.) Telegram. His Maiesty's Government warmly appreciate desirei of New South Wales and Victoria to contribute their share of the cost of a Dreadnought, and would gratefully welcome such an addition to the naval strength of the Empire. Please convey to your Ministers the very cordial thanks of His Majesty's Government for this signal proof of regard for the Mother Country. We fully understand the constitutional position of the State Governments in this matter, and, subject to the negotiations referred to in your telegram, His Majesty's Government will be happy to exchange more detailed communications as to the most appropriate method of giving effect to the patriotic proposals of your Government.—Crewe.

* No. 3, t This message was also received by telegram from the Governor of Victoria. J See No. 7.

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