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List of Applications and Advances— continued.



ProviAmount sionally applied granted for. or refused.' Advances. --ocal Authority. Result of Poll or Petition. New 5 oans °" | Purpose of Loan. Remarks.

Brought forward 327,845 Temuka .. 1,800 Thames .. 2,500 Waihi Westport Woodville .. 3,500 327,845 1,800 2,500 33,736 81,784 P.G. Rejected .. .. ' Extending the present drainage-system. P.G. No poll .. .. Establishing a public abattoir .. .. Under " The Slaughrequired tering and Inspection Act, 1900." Uncompleted. , .. .. 2,000 i Completing and extending the waterworks. 1,500 ! Completing the waterworks. G. Carried 2,000 .. Extending the water-supply and reservoir ; For two successive accommodation years' expenditure. RG. P.G. Rejected No poll required G. Carried £ Bull's .. .. 600 Featherston e Martinborough .. ; 200 Opotiki .. 600 TOWN BOARDS. £ £ G. Carried 300 .. Forming, gravelling, and kerbing footpaths For two successive 300 Paying the liability incurred by the Feathers- years' expenditure, ton County Council in completing the water-supply and extending the said water-supply. 1,000 Constructing high - pressure water - supply works. G. No poll 200 .. Completing roads and footpaths in the Under section 68 of required town district the Act. P.G. Carried .. .. Constructing various roads .. .. For two successive years' expenditure. Uncompleted. G. Otautau .. I 200 j Carrying out street-improvements. £ Hutt .. .. ! „ .. .. | .. RIVER BOARDS. £ £ I ' .. I 1,500 I Constructing river-protective works. i .. .. 3,500 i Constructing further river-protective works, j £ Aka Aka .. 1,000 Eltham .. 800 50 50 Hopelands .. 250 DRAINAGE BOARDS. £ £ P.G. .. .. .. Improving the drainage of the district • .. Uncompleted. P.G. , No poll .. .. Constructing and widening drains Under section 14 of required VI and X, Ngaire Survey District the Act. Uncompleted. P.G. Ditto .. .. Constructing drains and watercourses, &c. Under section 68 of (No. 5) the Act. Uncompleted. P.G. „ .. .. Constructing drains and watercourses, &c. Ditto. (No. 6) ... .. .. 100 Constructing drains and watercourses, &c. (No. 5). ... .. .. 100 Constructing drains and watercourses, &c. (No. 4). 200 ' Constructing drains and watercourses, &c. (No. 6). P.G. No poll .. .. Draining certain sections of lease-in-per- Under section 14 of required petuity Crown lands the Act. ( Uncompleted. Hungahunga Makerua Pukekohe .. 300 Sefton-Ashley .. Sluggish River .. 3,015 Te Rapa .. 150 Tumu-Kaituna 300 3,000 Constructing drainage-works. 3,000 Constructing two lines of arterial drainage. P.G. ; No poll .. .. Draining certain lands .. .. .. Under section 14 of required the Act. Uncompleted. .. .. .. 2,000 Erecting protective-works along the River Ashley, Stoney Creek,, and Fox's Creek. P.G. j No poll .. .. Improving the main drain through the dis- Under section 14 of I required trict the Act. Uncompleted. P.G. J Ditto .. .. Constructing drainage-works ... .,. Ditto. P.G. j „ .-. .. Completing drains .. .. ... ,. ... £ Hon. Minister of 46,023 j Lands i ♦Totals .. 388,983 Under Section 73 of " The Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1901." £ £ 1,680 36,844 Opening up various blocks of land for settlement. 37,916 137,028 | *£63,701 has to be deducted from this amount for loans refused. Note. —"P.G." means provisionally granted; "G," granted; "R," refused.