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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


11— B. 7.


Item. 19 18-9. VOLUNTEER FORCE— continued.. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 VOTE No. 61— continued. Other Charges incidental to — continued. Labour, receiving and delivering Cargo ... Maintenance, Repairs, and Rent of Drill-sheds, Barrackrooms, Mobilisation Stores, and Workshops Miniature Rifle Ranges, construction of ... Miscellaneous Stores, Office Equipment and Requisites Rent of Offices Railway Fares and Charges ... Rent, Repairs, and Improvements to Rifle Ranges, including Purchase of Targets and Repairs of same ... Repairs to Tents, and Purchase and Repairs of Flags Tram and Ferry Fares Travelling Allowance and Expenses Telephones Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure and expenses incidental to the vote £ 50 500 600 200 200 4,000 £ 29 30 31 32 33 1,000 50 100 4,000 250 440 88,363 77,366 Total —Vote No. 61 ... STORES AND MAGAZINES. 1908-9. Total number of officers .. 81 VOTE No, 62. Salaries— Director of Stores (also free quarters) 1 350 2 Auckland — Magazine Keeper (also District Storekeeper), also free quarters Assistant in Magazine and Repairer of Arms 2 Arms Cleaners at 6s. 6d. per day 180 170 237 Wellington — Assistant Storekeeper .... Accountant 6 Clerks : 1 at £190, 2 at £185, 1 at £180, 2 at £165 Foreman Storeman Saddler ... ... .... 8 Arms Cleaners : 4 at £160, 2 at £145, 2 at £135 2 Magazine Keepers: 1 at £160 (also free quarters), 1 at £135 Armourer Sergeant (also house allowance, £50) Armourer's Assistant Armourer's Cadet (also lodging-allowance, £25) 235 235 1,070 190 180 170 1,200 295 201 135 80 Otago — Labourer in Mobilisation Store 120 Other Districts — 1 Magazine Keeper 5 5,053 6 7 8 9 10 Other Charges incidental to — Equipment, Repairs, and Additions to Magazines, Store-buildings, and Grounds Fuel, light, and water House and Lodging Allowance Travelling expenses and allowances Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote... 100 25 75 50 100 Total—Vote No. 62 . . 350 5,403