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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.



;em. 19( •8-9. MINISTERS' SECRETARIES. 1908-9. Total number of officers .. 14 VOTE No. 49. Salaries — Seoretarv to Cabinet (also Clerk of Executive Council, £50)' 13 Private Secretaries to Ministers at £25 each Additional salaries to officers in classified departments employed as Private Secretaries : 1 at £85 (also £270), 1 at £55 (also £315) £ £ I ■> 3 500 325 140 Total —Vote No. 49 ... 965 MESSENGERS AND OFFICE-KEEPERS. 1908-9. Total number of officers .. 60 VOTE No. 50. Salaries— Messengers — Officer in Charge (also Fire Inspector, £50 ; also Supervisor of Messengers, Government Life Insurance, £65) 38 Messengers: 1 at £200, 1 at £174, 3 at £172, 8 at £156, 2 at £155, 4 at £154, 2 at £151, 5 at £145, 1 at £138, 11 at £136 2 Office-cleaners at £141 4 Night-watchmen at £163 1 Night-watchman (Museum) at £146 Office-keepers, Sfc. — Custodian £100, and Housekeeper £50, Government House, Auckland Auckland—1 at £275, 1 at £128, 1 at £114 New Plymouth Gisborne Nelson —Office-keeper £150, Messenger £120 Blenheim ... .... Christchurch —2 Office-keepers: 1 at £52 (also Messenger, Survey Office, £120), 1 at £100 1 Watchman at 6s. 6d. per diem Dunedin —2 Office-cleaners at £75 250 5,725 282 652 146 2 3 5 0 7 8 150 517 75 30 270 140 152 119 150 Total —Vote No. 50 ... 8,658 ELECTORAL DEPARTMENT. 1908-9. Total number of officers .. 81 VOTE No. 51. Salaries.— Chief Electoral Officer Chief Clerk 3 Clerks: 1 at £190, 1 at £171,1 at £170 For Payment of Registrars, including those who hold other Appointments in the Civil Service... 500 285 531 2,988 Other Charges incidental to— Advertising Cartage, railage, and wharfage... Charing and cleaning Expenses of General Election ... Expenses of By-elections Firing and lighting Legal expenses Licensing Poll under " The Licensing Act, 1908 " 4,304 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 75 50 24 ,200 400 25 200 10 ,000 *