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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund, Services.



j Salaries. Other Charges, j Total. £ £ £ 2,255 ote 31.—Department of Justice 2 ,255 „ 32.—Patent Office 1 ,090 1 ,090 „ 33— Supreme Court 5,331 3 ,800 9,131 „ 34—Bankruptcy 2,545 1 ,686 4,231 35.—District, Magistrates', and Wardens' Courts • 45,105 | 13,100 58 ,205 36. —Criminal Prosecutions ... 13 ,500 ! 13 ,500 ,, 37. —Coroners ... 5 ,700 j 5,700 38, —Cook Islands Administration 1 ,275 3 ,278 | 4,553 ,, 39. —Miscellaneous Services 10,808 10 ,808 „ 40. —Prisons ... 25 ,332 20,900 j 46 ,232 TOTAL OF CLASS XII 82 ,933 72 ,772 155 ,705 155 ,705 Item. 19' 18-9. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. 1908-9. Total number of officers .. 1 £ £ VOTE No. 31. Salaries — Under-Secretary Chief Clerk ... ••■ 4 Clerks : 1 at £385, 1 at £365 (also Private Secretary to Minister, £25). 1 at £225, 1 at £140 ... 1 Cadet 650 395 £ 650 395 ,115 95 1,115 95 Total —Vote No. 31 .. ... 2 ,255 PATENT OFFICE. 1908-9. Total number of officers .. 6 i VOTE No. 32. Salaries — Registrar of Patents. Designs, and Trade-marks 3 Clerks: 1 at £185,1 at £160. 1 at £115... Cadet Messenger and librarian 400 460 50 180 Total—Vote No. 32 ... ... SUPREME COURT. 1 ,090 1908-9. Total number of officers .. 29 VOTE No. 33 Salaries — Auckland — Registrar and Sheriff Deputy Registrar (also Clerk of Awards, £20) 475 260