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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.



Item. 19( '8-9,-CARRIAGE OF MAILS BY RAILWAY. 1 2 3 VOTE No. 12. Charges eor or incidental to — Carriage of Mails by Special Trains Conveyance of Ordinary Mails by Railway Payment to Railway Department on account of stamps used for postage and to defray cost of telegrams, being amount paid in excess of that actually required for year 1907-8 £ 4,000 46 ,699 £ 7,265 57 ,964 Total—Vote No. 12 57 ,964 MAINTENANCE OF TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE LINES. VOTE No. 13. Charges eor or incidental to — Extra Labour Material for Repairs ... ... Travelling-expenses of Inspectors and Linemen Upkeep of s s. "Tutanekai" 1 2 3 4 20, 000 20 ,000 6,500 2,000 48 ,500 Less estimated credits under section 42 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1908" 4,500 Total—Vote No. 13 44,00 1. 2 3 4 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. VOTE No. 14. '" Charges for or incidental to — Advertising and Printing Allowances to Tellers for Calculation of Savings-Bank Interest, to Clerks in Railway Travelling Post-offices, House Allowances, Forage, &c. ... Allowances under section 197 of " The Post and Telegraph Act, 1908 "— Allowance to married officers in receipt of salary less than £130 per annum Allowance to married officers in receipt of salary less than £150 per annum Allowance to officers twenty-two years of age and upwards Good-conduct allowances to certain officers at the rate of 6d. per day Allowance to Mr. D. Macdonald for acting as Officer in Charge at Wakapuaka Allowance to Mrs. Malloy towards expenses in connection with the death and burial of her son, Cadet Thomas J. Malloy Allowance to Mrs. M. A. Waite, Postmistress, Morrison's Bush, on retirement Allowance to members of Board appointed under Public Service Acts Amount obtained by issue of fraudulent money-order telegram Amount fraudulently withdrawn from Savings-bank Account Amount fraudulently withdrawn from Savings-bank Account Automatic franking-machine: Poundage on sales and refunds on spoiled impressions Carriage of Private Bags ... Cleaning and Scavenging Compensation for articles lost or damaged during transmission by post ... 300 5,600 820 906 820 486 25 5 25 6 15 7 8 7 9 18 10 11 10 26 12 13 14 100 550 3 ,800 25