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1.—12 a.

MINUTES OF PBOCEEDINGS. Thursday, 17th September, 1908. The Committee met at 10.30 a.m., pursuant to notice. Present: Hon. Mr. MoNab, Hon. Mr. Duncan, Mr. Buddo, Mr. Hogg, Mr. Hornsby, Mr. Kidd, Mr. Lang, Mr. Lawry, Mr. Maopherson, Mr. Okey, Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Witty. Messrs. Ritchie, David Cuddie, Dairy Commissioner, and John Leslie Bruce, Inspector in Charge Otago District, were also present, as well as Mr. Rowley, shorthand reporter. Orders of reference transmitting the proposed regulations under " The Dairy Industry Act, 1908," to the Committee, and also that the petition of Donald Kerr be sent direct to the Committee, were read. Regarding the proposed regulations under "The Dairy Industry Act, 1908," the Hon. Mr. McNab suggested that the Committee sit every day next week.—Agreed to. Mr. Hornsby moved, That representative witnesses whom it was decided to call should be paid their expenses.—Agreed to. Mr. Witty moved, That Friday, the 25th instant, be the time for closing evidence. Mr. Okey moved as an amendment, That Tuesday, the 29th, be inserted instead. Mr. Okey's amendment having been put, a division was called for, when there voted— Fur. —Messrs. Hogg, Kidd, Lang, Lawry, Okey, Rhodes, Rutherford. Against. —Hon. Mr. McNab, Hon. Mr. Duncan, Mr. Buddo, Mr. Hornsby, Mr. Witty. Mr. Okey's amendment carried by seven votes to five, and date altered accordingly. Mr. Hornsby moved, That a sub-committee, consisting of the Hon. Mr. McNab, Messrs. Lang, Lawry, Rhodes, Okey, Witty, and the mover, be appointed to select representative witnesses to attend to give evidence.—Agreed to. Witness No. 1, Mr. David Cuddie, Dairy Commissioner, Customhouse Buildings, gave evidence and answered questions; and also witness No. 2, Mr. John Leslie Bruce, Inspector in Charge Otago District, Dunedin. The Committee then adjourned to 10.30 a.m. on Friday, the 18th instant.

Wednesday, 17th September, 1908. The sub-committee, consisting of the Hon. Mr. McNab, Messrs. Lang, Lawry, Rhodes, Okey, Witty, and Hornsby, then met, and, after discussion, the chairman was authorized to give the Press Association of the Dominion the information that the Committee would receive evidence up to Tuesday, the 29th instant, referring to the proposed Dairy Regulations, and that those desirous of giving evidence should communicate by telegram or otherwise with the chairman. Mr. Witty read and handed in a telegram from the President of the Dairymen's Industrial Union, Zetland Hotel, Christchurch, notifying deputation approved, coming Thursday's boat if suitable. The sub-committee then adjourned. Friday, 18th September, 1908. The Committee met at 10.30 a.m., pursuant to notice. Present: Hon. Mr. McNab, Hon. Mr. Duncan, Mr. Bollard, Mr. Buddo, Mr. Hogg, Mr. Kidd, Mr Lang, Mr. Lawry, Mr. Macpherson, Mr. Okey, Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Witty. Messrs. Greenslade and Ell, M.P.s; Ritchie, Clifton, Cuddie, Bruce, Department of Agriculture; and C. dimming, shorthand reporter, were also present. The minutes of the previous meeting, as well as those of the sub-committee which sat subsequently, were read and confirmed. The following witnesses gave evidence and answered questions : Third witness, Mr. John Parlane, dairy-manager, Cashmere, Canterbury; fourth witness, Mr. Edward Thompson, dairyfarmer, Belfast, Canterbury; and fifth witness, Mr. William Lewis Wright, dairyman, Cashmere. Mr. Parlane was allowed, by request, to supplement his original statement. At its conclusion the Hon." Mr. McNab moved that the Committee adjourn to Monday, the 21st instant, at 10.30 a.m. The Hon. Mr. Duncan opposed the motion, and, on the question being put, called for a division, when there voted: — For the motion .—Eon. Mr. McNab, Mr. Buddo, Mr. Lawry, Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Witty. Against. —Hon. Mr. Duncan, Mr. Lang, Mr. Macpherson. Hon. Mr. McNab's motion carried, and the Committee adjourned accordingly.

Friday, 18th Septembek, 1908. The Committee met at 10.30 a.m., pursuant to notice. Present: Hon. Mr. McNab, Hon. Mr. Duncan, Mr. Bollard, Mr. Buddo, Mr. Hogg, Mr. Kidd, Mr Lang, Mr. Lawry, Mr. Macpherson, Mr. Okey, Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Witty. Messrs. Groenslade and Ell, M.P.s; Ritchie, Clifton, Cuddie, Bruce, Department of Agriculture; and C. dimming, shorthand reporter, were also present. The minutes of the previous meeting, as well as those of the sub-committee which sat subsequently, were read and confirmed. The following witnesses gave evidence and answered questions : Third witness, Mr. John Parlane, dairy-manager, Cashmere, Canterbury: fourth witness, Mr. Edward Thompson, dairyfarmer, Belfast, Canterbury; and fifth witness, Mr. William Lewis Wright, dairyman, Cashmere. Mr. Parlane was allowed, by request, to supplement his original statement. At its conclusion the Hon." Mr. McNab moved that the Committee adjourn to Monday, the 21st instant, at 10.30 a.m. The Hon. Mr. Duncan opposed the motion, and, on the question being put, called for a division, when there voted: — For the motion.—Ron. Mr. McNab, Mr. Buddo, Mr. Lawry, Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Witty. Against. —Hon. Mr. Duncan, Mr. Lang, Mr. Macpherson. Hon. Mr. McNab's motion carried, and the Committee adjourned accordingly.