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Resolved, That clause 9 as amended stand pari of the Bill. Resolved, Thai the word "shall," in line 11, be struck out, and the word " may " be inserted in lieu thereof. Resolved, That subclause (I) as amended stand part of the Bill. Resolved, That subclause (2) be agreed to. Moved by the Hon. Mr. Millar, That the following new proviso be added to the end of subclause (3): "Provided that the Court shall define the- limits within which suspension of award shall apply, xxhich may be any portion of or the whole id' an industrial district.' Resolved, on the motion id' Mr. Hardy, That this Committee do now adjourn until II a.m. to-morrow, the 4th instant. Friday, Itu September, 1908. The Committee mot at I I a.m., pursuant to notice. Pres,-nl : Mr. Tanner tin the chair), Mr. Arnold, Mr. Barber, Mr. Bollard, Mr. Ell, MiHardy, Hon. Mr. Millar, Mr. Pool,-. The minutes of last meeting were vend and confirmed. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Amend nun! Hill. Resolved, That the following proviso lie inserted at the end of subclause (3) of clause 10: ." Provided that the Court shall define the limits within which suspension of award shall apply, which may be any portion of or the xxhole of an industrial district." Resolved, That the xvord "such," in line 10, be struck out, and inserted before the word "suspension " in the same line. Resolved, That the subclause as amended be agreed to. Resolved, That subclause (5) be agreed to as printed. Resolved, That clause 10 as amended be a clause of the Bill. Resolved, That clauses I I and 12 be agreed to as printed. Resolved, Thai the word "of," in line 29, be struck out, and the words "not exceeding' be inserted in lieu thereof. Resolved, That the word "of," in line 32, be struck out, and the words "not exceeding" be inserted in lieu thereof. Resolved, That clause 13 as amended stand part of the Bill. Resolved, That clauses 11, 15, 16, 17, IS, 19, and 20 be agreed to. Resolved, That the xvords after the word " unsatisfied," in line 52, to the end of the clause, be struck out, and the following proviso, drafted by the Hon. Mr. Millar, be inserted in lieu thereof (subject to such modification as may be coiiisdered necessary by the Laxv Draftsman) : " Notwithstanding anything contained in the Wages Attachment apply to the Court for an attachment order against the earnings of any such defendant, provided that in the case of such defendant being a married man no order shall be made except for any earnings in excess of two pounds per week, and in the case of single men of one pound per week." Resolved, That clauses 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26, be agreed to. Resolved, That clauses 27 to 31, inclusive, be postponed for future consideration Resolved, That all the words after the word "behalf " of line 5, of subclause (1), to the end of the subclause, be struck out. Resolved, That all the words after " prescribe," in line 31 of subclause (2), to the end of the subclause, be struck out. Resolved, That all the xvords after the x\-ord "Council," in line 35 of subclause (3), to the end of the subclause, be struck out. Resolved That clause 32 as amended stand part of the Bill. Resolved, That clauses 33 and 34 be passed as printed. Resolved, on the motion of Mr. Hardy, That further consideration of clause 35 be postponed. Resolved, on the motion of Mr. Hardy, That this Committee do now adjourn until 11 a.m. on Tuesday next, the Bth instant. Tuesday, Bth September, 1908. The Committee met at 11 a.m., pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Tanner (in the chair), Mr. Arnold, Mr. Barber, Mr. Bollard, Mr. Ell, Hon. Mr. Millar, Mr. Poole. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Amendment Bill. Resolved, That, in line 47, " (1) " be inserted after " 35." Resolved, That the word " all," in line 49, be struck out. Resolved, That the xvords "but not by their representatives," in line 50, be struck out. Resolved, That the following new subclause (2) be added: "An agreement shall be deemed to be duly executed if it is signed by the employers employing a majority of the xx-orkers to be bound by the agreement and by the executive officers of the union of workers." Resolved, That clause 35 as amended be agreed to. Resolved, That the word " Council," in line 2, be struck out, and the word " Commissioner " be inserted in lieu thereof.