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15— H. 23,

No. of Sheep on April 80, I 1907. April 80, 190S. Ashley County— continued. Kennedy, John, Hill Head, Fernside Kennedy, Murtagh, Loburn Kennedy, Murtie L., jun., Moeraki North, Springbank P.O. Kennedy, Patrick, Fernside Kevern, E., East Eyreton King, J. H., Loburn King, Mrs. Mary T., Bennett's Kingsbury, H. L., Ashley Kingsbury, Robert, Bennett's Kingsbury, Samuel, Ashley Kingsford and Jefferies, Okuhu Kinley, R., Rangiora Lahaor, John, Okuku Lake, W., Ohoka Lance, T. H., Hawarden Land, H, Kaiapoi Lane, L. H. (care G. Gould, Christchurch), Waikari Larsen, Arnold, Bennett's Lassen, E., Bexley Lassen, II. A.., Bexley Lawcock, John, Amberley Leach, Charles, Swannonoa Leach, Charles, and Sons, Seargill Leach, Thomas, Rangiora Leatherland, William, Medbury Lee, G. W. H. (Exors.), The Warren, Oxford Leech Bros., Rangiora Leech, Charles, Rangiora Leech, F. J., Rangiora Leech, G. J., Rangiora Leech, W. H., Rangiora Lewton, James, Amberley Ligget, Robert, Waikuku Lilley, D., Sefton Lilley, E. H, Cooper's Creek Lilley, W. H., Cooper's Creek Lilly, G. J., Oxford Lilly, John, Ashley Bank Lilly, W., Woodstock, Waddington Lissaman, B. L., Kaiapoi Little, Henry, Mount Vulcan, Omihi Little, H. T., Hui Hui, Woodgrove Little, H. T., Mount Arden, Woodgrove Little, James, Dalmeny, Woodgrove Little, John, Mount Serat, Omihi Little, John, Omihi Livingstone, W. M., Overton, Cust Loffhagen, A., Ashley Loffhagen, F., East Oxford Loffhagen, S. J., Ashley Lord, E., Ohoka Loucey, D., Waikari Love, A., Omihi Lowery, JameB, Cust Luers and Brown, Oxford Luers, H., Oxford Lukey, F. W., Waikari LuBCombe, R. B., Omihi Lyford, A. W., North Loburn Lynskey Bros., Balcairn Lynskey, John, Hawarden LynBkey, W., Kaiapoi Macdonald, J. E. G., Rangiora Macdonald, John, The Peaks Macfarlane, M., Coldstream, Rangiora Mackintosh, William, Ashley MacRae, W. W., Melrose, Hawarden Madeley, Thomas, Flaxton Mahon, Thomas, Oxford Maindonald, H. F., West Eyreton Maindonald, M. H, West Eyreton Mallinson, E., Ashley Ma,nning, H, Medbury Martin, Henry, Bexley Marshall, Robert, The Peaks Marshall, P., Rangiora Mashall, John L., The Peaks Mason, ft E., Woodgrove Mason, W. and E., Woodgrove Matheson, D. G., Fernside Matthews, H. T., Waikari 388 487 276 517 597 152 99 66 51 400 96 394 127 243 500 71 140 933 36 1295 301 93 80 142 Nil 236 391 Nil 135 71 398 930 33 1358 776 880 799 187 764 1017 162 108 4600 466 522 690 667 93 2481 1107 172 127 5000 Nil 106 116 134 Nil 356 184 Nil Nil 51 158 310 1252 824 2350 2595 1850 2135 4645 508 480 200 10 50 14 26 775 Nil 3488 Nil 1960 1521 1331 113 189 165 Nil Nil 762 1566 Nil 89 115 217 275 1039 170 528 49 74 213 886 4038 500 290 281 150 60 188 186 12 135 355 885 827 2351 2300 1930 4416 4709 490 131 28 7 22 493 425 3280 60 2341 1354 140 229 40 55 1282 1400 67 181 213 286 60 404 234 82 253 996 5162 1000 252

No.oi leep on April 30, April 30, 1907. 1908. Ashley County— continued. Hardie, F., Loburn Hardy, M., Loburn Harle, Thomas, Cooper's Creek Harley, R. E., East Oxford Harrison, J. W., Motunau Harrison, William, Seargill Hartnell, W., Amberley Harvey, Hugh, Hawarden Harvey, W., Ohoka Hassall, H. J., Sefton Hassall, T., Clarkeville Hawke, David, Bexley Hayes Bros., Sefton Heemish, H., Cust Henderson, Alexander, Oxford Henderson Bros., East Oxford Henderson, James, Motunau Henderson, R. F., East Oxford Henry, Richard, East Oxford Herman, E., Cooper's Creek Herridge, G. T., Woodend Hewitt, S., The Peaks Hewitt, W. N., The Peaks Hevward, James, Clarkeville Hiatt, J. H. T. and H. F., Waikari Hiatt, John 8., North Loburn Hibbard, T. G., Leithfield Hide, Thomas, Swannanoa Hide, William, Ohoka Higgenson, W., East Oxford Hill, Jonathan, East Oxford Hoban, M. J., Hawarden Hodgson, T., Loburn Holder, E., Hawarden Holland, F., Seargill Holland, H. H, Waikari Honeybone, T. E., Waikari Honey bone, T., Medbury Hopkins, B., Saltwater Creek Hopkins, C. L., Cust Horn, T. ft, East Oxford Horrell, F. G., West Eyreton Horrell, F., Rangiora Horrell, H. J., West Eyreton Horrell, Samuel, West Eyreton Hotchkin, J., Loburn Howe, William, Hawarden Hudson, H. H., Rangiora Hughes, T., Southbrook Humphreys, William, Loburn Hunt, J., Loburn Hurley, George, Bennett's Inch, David, West Oxford Inch, II., Oxford Inch, J., Bennett's Inch, Thomas, East Oxford Ingram, John, Christchurch Isles, H., Rangiora Ivory, William, East Oxford Izard, T., Weet Eyreton Jack, Daniel, Sefton Jack, R. J., Springbank Jackson, Joseph and George, Fernside James, J. A., Medbury James, T. IL, Leithfield Jensen, A., West Oxford Johns, James, Fernside Johnston, W. H., Swannanoa Johnston, J., Cust Jones, David, Bennett's Jones, John, The Peaks Joyce, John, North Loburn Joyce, Nicholas, North Loburn Judson, J., Woodend Jury( W. H, Clarkeville Kain Bros., Hawarden Kearne, R. L., Amberley Keith, H. M., Ashley Kelcher, William, Flaxton Kelcher, W. A., Ohoka Kelly, F., Swannanoa Kelly, William, Swannanoa Kennedy, John, Broomfield 96 97 . 489 1085 1763 1358 1957 780 95 420 1182 203 1465 765 102 490 88 82 357 456 202 1011 1247 267 10 210 180 336 37 1312 55 146 1910 682 170 90 168 300 285 1046 1490 491 960 41 102 100 140 2339 200 300 188 283 550 292 866 24 Nil 507 1076 1470 1583 1933 824 300 101 25 795 Nil 157 2226 320 45 448 Nil Nil 415 530 204 970 1300 846 Nil 133 110 555 76 1395 35 193 2042 682 150 71 134 Nil 293 814 1855 449 508 33 151 183 280 Nil 129 186 247 392 262 264 923 153 Nil 1589 70 242 312 41 614 901 2010 775 142 572 740 704 Nil 1000 82 Nil 1120 782 100 50 150 150 253 111 > 118 539 282 3^1 275 757 912 86 861 837 900 915 15 12517 762 732 92 170 90 587