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Hospitals and Charitable Institutions.


(4.) The persons who on the coming into operation of this Act are acting as Inspector-General, Deputy Inspector-General, and Assistant Inspector-General respectively under any enactment hereby repealed shall be deemed to have been appointed to such offices under this Act. 77. (1.) Any Inspector may, without previous notice, visit and inspect any institution at any time he thinks fit. (2.) Every person who obstructs any such Inspector in his visitation is liable to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds, to be recovered in a summary way. 78. (1.) Every such Inspector shall, on or before the first day of May in each year, send a report to the Inspector-General on the condition of the several institutions visited by him within the preceding twelve months. (2.) Any such Inspector may make special reports to the Inspector-General from time to time as he thinks fit. 79. (1.) The Inspector-General shall prepare an annual report for each year ending the thirty-first day of March, giving such particulars as to the administration of this Act as he thinks fit or as the Minister requires. (2.) Such report shall forthwith be laid before Parliament if in session, or if not, then within twenty-one days after the commencement of the next ensuing session. 80. Nothing in this Act shall affect or curtail the powers and authorities conferred by " The Public Health Act, 1900," on the Chief Health Officer or any District Health Officer. Departmental Inquiries. 81. (1.) The Minister may, whenever he thinks fit, cause an inquiry, by some person to be appointed by him for the purpose, to be made touching the organization or working of any institution. (2.) The person so appointed shall have all the powers of a Commission under " The Commissioners Act, 1903," and shall report his decision to the Minister. (3.) On receipt of such report the Minister may give such directions to the Board or Trustees of the institution as he thinks fit, and such directions shall be complied with. (4.) In the event of the non-compliance by the Board or Trustees with any such direction, the Minister may request the Colonial Treasurer to withhold- the subsidy or any part thereof, as the Minister thinks fit, payable to the Board or Trustees. Miscellaneous. 82. All receipts given by or on behalf of any Board shall be exempt from stamp duty. 83. (1.) Where the site of any institution is found to be unsuitable for the purpose for which it was reserved or otherwise acquired, the Board or the Trustees may, with the consent of the Minister, sell the land, together with the buildings thereon (if any).

Inspection of institutions.

Annual reports by Inspectors.

Annual report by Inspector-General.

Powers of Health Officers saved.

Inquiries as to organization or working of any institution.

Receipts of Board pxempt from stamp duty. Power to sell institution and acquire new site.

13— H. 22a.