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Hospitals and Charitable Institutions.


Functions of a Committee. 50. (1.) The functions of a Committee shall be such of the functions that the Board might exercise within the subdistrict as are from time to time assigned to it by the Board, or as are prescribed, either generally or in any particular case, by the Minister. (2.) Such functions shall be exercised by the Committee under the direction of the Board in like manner and with the same effect as if exercised by the Board. (3.) Nothing herein shall authorise any committee to borrow money, make rules or by-laws, or make any apportionment of expenditure. PART 11. Separate Institutions, 51. (1.) Any institution that is not or is not intended to be maintained wholly or in part out of the funds of any Board, but is or is intended to be maintained wholly or in part by the voluntary contributions of not less than one hundred persons, who have signified their intention to contribute and have contributed thereto (in sums of not less than one pound) a yearly amount of not less than one hundred pounds, and who have paid one year's subscription in advance, or a donation in one sum of not less than twenty pounds, may be incorporated as hereinafter mentioned as a separate institution under this Act. (2.) The separate institutions mentioned in the Second Schedule hereto shall be deemed to have been incorporated under this Act. 52; The Governor in Council, on the receipt of a petition signed by not less than fifty of the said persons, praying that such institution may be incorporated, may cause the substance or prayer of such petition to be gazetted; and if no counter-petition, signed by at least an equal number of such persons or by the Board, has been received by the Minister within one month after the date of such publication, the Governor may by Order in Council declare the contributors for the time being to such institution to be, and they shall thereupon become and continue, a body corporate by the title named in the Order, and shall have perpetual succession and a common seal. 53. (1.) Every separate institution incorporated or deemed to be incorporated under this Act shall be governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of nine persons, to be elected by the voluntary contributors as hereinafter mentioned. (2.) The Trustees of the separate institutions mentioned in the Second Schedule hereto in office on the coming into operation of this Act shall continue in office until the first election of Trustees under this Act. 54. The first meeting of contributors to any institution shall be held at such time and place as the Governor by public notice ' appoints, and at such meeting the contributors shall elect the first Trustees, and may transact any other business relating to the institution. 55. (1.) The annual meeting of contributors to the institution shall be held on the second Thursday in the month of January in I every year; and at such meeting one-third part of the number of Trustees shall go out of office (but may nevertheless be re-elected).

Functions of Committee to be exercised under direction of the Board.

Subscribers to institutions may petition for incorporation.

Incorporation effected by Order in Council.

Board of Trustees to be elected.

First meeting of contributors.

Annual election of one-third of Trustees.