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Annual Government subsidy.

Advances may be made on account of subsidies.

Application of bequest.'

Hospitals and Charitable Institutions.


(d.) Subsidies from the Consolidated Fund as hereinafter mentioned; and (c.) All other moneys that may become the property of the Board. 31. (1.) Subject to the provisions of this Act, there shall be paid in each of the three years next after the coming into operation of this Act by the Colonial Treasurer out of the Consolidated Fund to every Board, in respect of the sums received by the Board during the preceding year ending the thirty-first day of March, a subsidy of— (a.) Ten shillings for every pound of bequests, but in no case exceeding five hundred pounds in respect of. any one bequest; (b.) Twenty-four shillings for every pound of voluntary contributions ; and (c.) One pound for every pound of contributions received from any local authority. (2.) Subject as aforesaid, the rate of subsidy during the next succeeding three years shall be as follows : — (a.) Ten shillings for every pound of bequests, but in no case exceeding five hundred pounds in respect of any one bequest; (b.) One pound for every pound of voluntary contributions ; and (c.) Fifteen shillings for every pound of contributions received from any contributing local authority. (3.) Thereafter the rate of subsidy shall, subject as aforesaid, be as follows : — (a.) Ten shillings for every pound of bequests, but in no case exceeding five hundred pounds in respect of any one bequest; (b.) Fifteen shillings for every pound of voluntary contributions ; and (c.) Ten shillings for every pound of contributions received from any contributing local authority. (4.) Where it appears to the Colonial Treasurer that any Board during any year has refused or neglected to carry out any of its duties under this Act, or to comply with any direction of the Minister, he may withhold the whole or any part of the subsidy payable to the Board in respect of that or any year. 32. (1.) Out of any moneys from time to time appropriated by Parliament for the purposes of this Act the Colonial Treasurer may in each year advance to any Board, in anticipation of its estimated revenue for that year, any sums not exceeding in any case a sum equal to one-half of the estimated amount of its revenue from all sources exclusive of subsidy. (2.) All sums so advanced shall be deemed to have been paid on account of subsidy, and shall be deducted from the first subsidy thereafter payable under this Act to the Board receiving such advance. 33. (1.) All bequests and devises of property made for the benefit or endowment of any Board or of any institution shall be applied strictly in the manner directed by the testators respec-