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Departmental Inquiries and Inspection. 147. North Canterbury Hospital Board. —Clause 77, (1), with the following addition : " and that copies of any report be forwarded to the respective Boards interested. 148. Wairarapa District Hospital Board. —Section 81 : The provisions are despotic in their nature, and, if given effect to, cannot fail to be a fruitful source of friction between all parties concerned. MISCELLANEOUS. Bequests, Application of Money received for Specific Purpose, and Subsidy thereon. 149. Stratford Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That in subsection (3) of section 33 all the words after " devise " be deleted. 150. Stratford Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That in clause (b) of subsection (2), section 48, all the words after " institution " be deleted. 151. Reefton Hospital Board. —The Trustees recommend that any bequests made to any particular institution should be the sole property of that institution. 152. Westland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board and Westland Hospital Trustees. —That any bequest left to a particular hospital be devoted solely to that institution, and not included in the general funds of the Hospitals and Charitable Aid Board. 153. Oamaru Hospital Trustees. —Section 33, subsection (2) : Pending such application as aforesaid, all proceeds from any sucri bequest or devise shall be invested in securities issued by the Government or by any local authority under any Act, or on mortgage of land in New Zealand held in fee-simple; and the interest accruing from year to year in respect of such investments may be applied towards the maintenance of the institution. Pending such investment the money may be placed on hank deposit. Exemption from Stamp Duty. 154. Nelson Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That, in addition to the provisions alreadymade in section 33, it be permissible to invest money in the Post-Office Savings-Bank or any bank of issue. 155. St. Andrew's Orphanage. —Section 82, line 42: After the word "Board" insert "or separate institution." 156. Oamaru Hospital Trustees. —Section 82 to be altered to read, " All receipts given by or on behalf of any Board or Trustees shall be exempt from stamp duty. 157. Coromandel Hospital Trustees. —Section 82: That all declarations and documents should be exempt from stamp duty. 158. North Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That declaration accompanying claim for subsidy be exempt from stamp dut} 7 . By-laws. 159. Stratford Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That the words " and refusal " be added after the word " admission," in the first line of clause (a) of subsection (1) of section 69. 160. Wairarapa District Hospital Board. — Section 69: It is considered that committees should have power to make by-laws for the purposes mentioned in this section, in respect of the institution under their charge. Training of Probationers. 161. North Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Baord. —That probationers in small county hospitals, after two years' service, be taken on to the staff of the larger hospitals in preference to new candidates, in order to qualify for certificates. Children and Charitable Aid. 162. St. Andrew's Orphanage. —Appointment of Guardians : That a clause similar to clause 4 of the Act of 1886 be inserted providing for the appointment of guardians. 163. Nelson Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That the Government be requested to enlarge the powers of Charitable Aid Boards to enable them to reclaim and educate children who are living in the midst of vicious environments. Superannuation . 164. North Canterbury Hospital Board. —This Board is of opinion that provision should be made whereby employees of the Hospital and Charitable Aid Boards should be allowed to participate in the benefits of the Civil Service Superannuation Scheme. General. 165. Westland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board and Westland Hospital Trustees. —That the proposed Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Bill is unwieldy in its provisions, and, as the old Act has given satisfaction in the past, a few amendments to its sections should meet all requirements.