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ELECTION OF BOARDS AND SUB-COMMITTEES. 15. South Canterbury Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That the present mode of election of Hospital Boards be maintained. 16. Wairarapa District Hospital Board. —Sections 6-12: The committee is of opinion that the present system of election of members is infinitely preferable to that provided by the new Bill. 17. Nelson Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —This Board considers that in counties the present of voting should be the one adopted. 18. Grey District Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That this Board does not view with favour the large cost involved by an election of members to the District Boards, and recommends that this proposal be Government. 19. Coromandel Hospital Board. —Section 8: That an election is unnecessary, and an expense that can be avoided, as the local bodies who have to provide the money for the maintenance of these institutions should elect their representatives to the Board; or the committee should be elected by the ratepayers at a public meeting. 20. Patea District Hospital Board. —That electors under section 8 should be privileged to exercise the number of votes allowed them at local bodies' elections in proportion to rateable value: 21. Ashburton Hospital Board. —Clause 8: The words "each of whom shall have one vote and no more," in the fifth line, be struck out. 22. Stratford Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That local bodies who have to provide money for the maintenance of these institutions should elect their representatives to the Board. 23. Patea District Hospital Board. —That section 6 be amended by making the Boards elective by the ratepayers, or as at pnesent formed by representatives from counties and boroughs. It is also thought that a smaller number of members of Boards would be more efficacious. In the event, however, of clause 3 being retained, the number of members from each sub-committee for seats on the Board should be based on valuation basis. 24. Wellington District Hospital Board. —That the Board consist of members elected as follows: One or more members to be elected by each parliamentary electorate. That as long as the Government contribute the same amount of subsidy as at present they be represented by one or more members on each Board. 25. Westland Hospital and Charitable Aid. Board and Westland Hospital Trustees. —That the members of the Board be directly elected by the people. 26. Nelson Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That, with a view of avoiding travellingexpenses, the subdistricts may elect to the Board any person who is qualified to vote in any of the subdistricts. 27. Nelson Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That this Board does not approve of the creation of committees. 28. Ashburton and North Canterbury Charitable Aid Board. —The basis of division of districts into subdistricts and the basis of apportionment of rhembers to represent such subdistricts on Hospital and Charitable Aid Boards should be determined by Act. 29. Grey District Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That any clause in the proposed legislation relating to subdistricts shall not apply to the west coast of the South Island. 30. North Canterbury Hospital Board. —Clauses 7 to 15: That the Board altogether disapproves of the proposals relating to the election of committees in subdistricts contained in clauses 7 to 15, inclusive, on the grounds that endless friction would arise between the various committees and Boards. The Board should consist of a sufficient number of members from whom to elect its own committees. 31. Ashburton and North Canterbury Charitable Aid Board,. —The proposed formation of committees (outside the Boards) for subdistricts in which there happen to be institutions would be likely to produce less satisfactory results than the election by the Boards of committees of their own members to supervise the management of their institutions. 32. Waitahi Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That disapproval be expressed by sections 7 and 8, and in lieu of the committee suggested by the sections, the Board have power to appoint a sub-committee of its own members to manage any institution. Term of Office. 33. Nelson Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That members should come into office as provided by " The Local Elections Act, 1904," and not as provided in section 13. 34. Nelson Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That absence without leave for three consecutive meetings should cause any member to vacate his seat. Date of Election. 35. Coromandel Hospital Board. —That the month of April should be substituted for the month of January, so that the report and accounts can be dealt with at the end of the financial year. 36. Nelson Hospital and Charitable Aid, Board. —That this Board is of opinion that the election of members to the Board should be held on the same day as the county and municipal elections; and suggests that the necessary amendment be made in either the Counties Act or the Municipal Corporations Act, so as to make the day of election the same. 37. North Auckland Hospital and, Charitable Aid, Board. —That the election of members be held on the same day as County Council elections. 38. Westland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board and Westland Hospital Trustees. —That the Conference does not view with favour the large cost involved by an election of members of the District Boards, and recommends that this proposal be reconsidered by Government so as to arrange to take the necessary poll on the date of the general elections.