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Table J — continued. Punishments for Prison Offences during the Year 1907— continued.

Initials of Prisoner. Offence for which punished. By whom reported. By whom sentenced. Punishment. J. R. J. R. AUCKLAND PRISON— continued. J. R. J. H. J. H. Smoking in his oell Being in poRsession of prohibited articles Damaging prison property Disturbing the quiet of the prison Improper language to his officer Obscene language Idleness Damaging prison property Being in possession of prohibited arfioles Assault on a fellow-prisoner Writing a clandestine letter Warder Richards .. ' P. McGovern, V.J. .. Warder Ainsley .. P. G. Clayton, V.J. .. 2 days bread and water. 1 day bread and water. 3 days bread and water. J. H. J. H. P. W. F. W. Warder W. Stewart .. ; P. MoGovern, V.J. .. 1 day bread and water. L. S. W. G. PI. Warder Gideon .. J. H. Hannan, V. J.. . Warder Johnston .. P. McGovern, V. J. 3 days bread and water. 2 days bread and water. DUMGREE PRISON. Nil DUNEDIN P] JSON. A. P. Disrespect to his offioer and obscene language Disturbing the quiet of the prison Disobedience of orders Warder McGrath R. Ewing, V.J. .. 3 days bread and water. J. M. PI. Warder Harron .. A. G. A. S. J. P. J. F. H. W. Assaulting a fellow-prisoner Disobedience of orders Assaulting a fellow-prisoner Warder O'Reilly PI. Warder Glover .. Warder O'Reilly r .. R. Chisholm, V.J. ,, i " „ I HANMER SPRINGS PRISON. Nil. F.C. HOKITIKA PI lISON. Obscene and threatening language to an officer Disobedienoe of orders Warder Smith H. L. Michel, V.J. .. 24 hours bread and water. B. B. R. B. Obstructing the officers in the execution of iheic duty Disobedience of orders Acting PI. Warder Vincent Warders Lee and McLoughlin The Gaoler 1 day bread and water. 2 days bread and water. B. P. G. J. Bavan, V.J., H. L. Michel, V.J. J. Bevan, V.J. 3 days bread and water. J. D. Insolence to an officer Acting PI. Warder Vincent and Warder McLoughlin Warder McLoughlin.. P. 0. Obscene and threatening language to an officer Idleness and obscene language Assaulting two fellowprisoners and threatening an officer Escaping from prison works H. L. Miohel, V.J. .. 24 hours bread and water. P.O. Warder Lee 2 days bread and water. W. C. J. Bevan, V.J. 48 hours bread and water, and to forfeit 50 marks. R. P. G. B. S. Acheson, S.M. .. 6 months' hard labour at expiration of present sentenoe. Ditto. J. D. J' W. H. L. Damaging clothing INVERCARGILL PI. Warder Hawkins and Warder Partington PI. Warder Hawkins PRISON. F. G. Stone, V.J. 2 days bread and water. W. H. L. Insulting, threatening, and indecent language to his officers Disturbing the quiet of the prison Disobedience of orders Wilful disobedience Making unnecessary noise after being ordered to desist Insolence to his officers .. // W.H.L. H. H. H. H. H. H. Warder Partington and Proby. Warder Topp PI. Warder Crook .. Proby. Warder Gibson W. Todd, V.J. 1 ) 3 days bread and water on each oharge, concurrent 3 days bread and water. H. L, H.L. H. L. Idleness Insubordination PI.Warder Hawkins and Proby. Warder Topp Ditto PI. Warder Hawkins and Warder Partington To forfeit 84 marks.