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Names of Unions. Number of Members. Industrial Unions of Workers— continued. Brought forward ... ... ... ... 2082 Wellington District —continued. Upper Hutt Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants 93 Wairarapa Navvies and General Labourers ... ... ... 58 Wanganui Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants of New 208 Zealand Wanganui Operative Butchers ... ... ... ... 30 Wanganui Society of Painters and Decorators ... ... ... I 22 Wellington Amalgamated Society of Cooks and Waiters ... ... 816 Wellington Amalgamated Society of Painters and Decorators ... ... I 334 Wellington Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners ... 292 Wellington Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers ... ... 94 Wellington Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants of New 158 Zealand Wellington Branch of the Federated Seamen ... ... ... 162 Wellington Branch of the New Zealand Federated Tailoresses and Pressers 531 Wellington Bricklayers ... ... ... ... ... 127 Wellington Brick, Tile, Drain and other Pipe, and Pottery Makers ... 28 Wellington Building Trades Labourers ... ... ... ... 1100 Wellington Butter, Creamery, and Cheese Factories Employees... ... 42 Wellington Carriers ... ... ... ... ... 39 Wellington Coach workers ... ... ... ... ... 82 Wellington District of the Australasian Institution of Marine Engineers ... 506 Wellington Drivers ... ... ... ... ... 990 Wellington Electrical Workers ... ... ... ... 23 Wellington Farriers and General Blacksmiths ... ... ... 40 Wellington Freezers ... ... ... ... ... 19 Wellington Gas Stokers and Cokers ... ... ... ... 25 Wellington General Labourers ... ... ... ... 915 Wellington Grocers ... ... ... ... ... 135 Wellington Hairdressers' Assistants ... ... ... ... 26 Wellington Iron and Brass Moulders ... ... ... ... 60 Wellington Letterpress Printers'Machinists ... ... ... 77 Wellington Match-factory Employees ... ... ... ... 59 Wellington Merchant Service Guild ... ... ... ... 228 Wellington Operative Bakers... ... ... ... ... 226 Wellington Operative Bootmakers' Society ... ... ... 107 Wellington Operative Butchers ... ... ... ... 278 Wellington Operative Sausage-casing Makers ... ... 22 Wellington Plasterers ... ... ... ... ... 101 Wellington Plumbers ... ... ... ... ... 110 Wellington Pullers ... ... ... ... ... 25 Wellington Range-makers ... ... ... ... ... 16 Wellington Saddlers ... ... ... ... 45 Wellington Section of the Australasian Federated Seamen ... ... 887 Wellington Shearers ... ... ... ... ... 82 Wellington Shipmasters ... ... ... ... ... 153 Wellington Shipwrights' Society ... ... ... ... 56 Wellington Slaughtermen ... ... ... ... ... 129 Wellington Stationary, Traction, and Locomotive Engine-drivers ... 146 Wellington Stonemasons ... ... ... ... ... 25 Wellington Tailors ... ... ... ... ... 383 Wellington Timber-yards and Sawmills ... ... ... ... 144 Wellington Tinplate and Sheet-metal Operatives ... ... ... 23 Wellington Tramways Employees ... ... ... ... 387 Wellington Typographical ... ... ... ... ... 353 Wellington United Furniture Trade ... ... ... 202 Wellington Wharf Labourers ... ... ... 865 Whakatu Sausage-casing Makers ... ... ... ... 17 Woodville Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants ... 71 1425Canterbury District — Ashburton Painters ... ... ... ... ... 20 Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Labourers ... ... ... 1468 Canterbury Bakers and Pastrycooks ... ... ... ... 71 Canterbury Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants of New 1076 Zealand Canterbury Bricklayers ... ... ... ... ... 39 Canterbury Brickmakers ... ... ... ... ... 24 Canterbury Carpenters and Joiners ... ... ... 99 Carried forward ... ... ... ..J2797