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Brought forward £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 317 4 1 16,495 13 10 CLASS XIV.—MINES DEPARTMENT—continued. Vote No. 45.—Miscellaneous Services— continued. Item 33—Contingencies— continued. Search fees Stationery Taupiri Coal-mines Commission, salary of secretary Telephone subscriptions.. Tracings and tracing-cloth Travelling-expenses Typewriters, requisites, &o. Wages Sundries 2 2 0 10 6 5 35 14 0 42 5 0 5 4 0 17 3 6 36 4 10 28 13 8 7 6 7 502 4 1 Total net expenditure, Vote No. 45 £16,997 17 11 CLASS XV.—DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS:— Vote No. 55—Miscellaneous Services :— Item 1—Annuity to James Mackay, ex-Warden, 1st Aprii, 1907, to 31st March, 1908 Item 2—Art Galleries (subsidies £1 for £l) — Auckland .. .. .. ■ Canterbury 75 0 0 156 19 6 500 0 0 656 19 6 Item 3 —Bonus for mineral oil Item 4—Cleaning offices .. ... Item 5—Clerical assistance and extra messengers— Clerical assistance Messengers, custodians, and night-watchmen 2,037 17 11 2,136 15 6 2,117 13 8 4,1.74 18 5 Item 6—Compassionate allowance to widow of Messenger Goldsmith Item 7—Compensation for loss of office to E. J. A. Stevenson, Clerk, Audit Office, in respect of service in Armed Constabulary* Item 8—Compensation to Mrs. Mary Kerr, charwoman, Wellington, for injuries sustained Item 9—Contribution to Brusselslnternational Customs Bureau for publication of Customs tariffs Item 10—Contribution to Government Life Insurance Department for actuarial services Item 11—Contribution towards the cost of obtaining on loan national pictures for exhibition throughout the Dominion .. Item 12—Contribution towards cost of revised Maori Dictionary Item 13—Contribution to Veterans' Home, Auckland Item 14—Cost of work to be done by Surveyor-General's Department .. Item 15—Cost of acquiring land for roads under section 112 of " The Public Works Act, 1894 ".. Item 16—Cost of passages of delegates attending Labour Conference Item 17—Cost of marble bust of late Right Hon. R. J. Seddon Item 18—Cost of preparing illustrations for "New Zealand Flora " Item 19—Cost of obtaining oia historical records of New Zealand Item 20—Cost of Native Land Tenure Commission Item 21—Cost of copies of book, "Life in Aotea," by J. C. Andersen Item 22—Cost of copies of book, " Te Tohunga," by W. Dittmer Item 23—Cost of organ at New Zealand International Exhibition, handed over to Christchurch City Item 24—Cost of preparing and printing official history of the New Zealand International Exhibition .. .. ' .. Item 25—Cost of obtaining bird-skins for British Museum Item 26 —Cost of transferring huia birds Item 27—Dominion Day celebrations .. Item 28 —Drafting Commissioners Bill, 1905 Item 29—Entertainment of offioers of British and foreign warships Item 30—Expenses under "The Fine Arts Copyright Act, 1877".. ' .. 221 1 3 46 18 4 50 0 0 196 8 10 339 14 8 48 14 3 550 0 0 71 8 10 94 5 11 130 5 0 4,440 15 1 100 0 0 150 10 4 4,245 0 0 271 10 9 3 10 8 824 1 2 12 19 2 453 7 10 11 7 6 Carried forward 19,286 6 2 *See also " Civil Service Act, 1866."