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FACTORIES— continued. Table 1—continued.

ir of Persons employed, and Weekly Wages. Numl ierol 'orl :-rooms empl Ing i Total Wages Ages Males. Females. ' lir °' paid during Total whom are Up to 0 , , n More the Year Nu. ' ■" than 30 Total. I ui b r Weekly Warn Number Weekly Wages, employed. Appren- Persons. ■ Pel Ages Males. Females. WELLINGTON (CITY) -continue*. Boatbuilding. 14 to 16.. I 7/ 17 to 20 .. I 26/ .... 21 and over 1 80/ .. .. 9 .. 2 .. .. 2 £144 Employers, 3 Boot Making and Repairing. 14 to 16.. 15 i See 11 I See i I 17 to 20 .. 24 I Table 23 Table 21 and over 183 5 50 | 5 381 .. 52 6 2 60 £80,646 Employers, 75. Bottling. 14 to 16.. 1 12/6 17 to 20.. .. .. 2 10/to 17/6 21 and over 14 30/to 70/ 1 15/ 26 .. 7 .. ... 7 £1,322 Employers, 8. Brass Founding and Finishing. 14 to 16.. 8 See 17 to 20 .. 16 Table 21 and over 17 6 .. .. 46 .. 1 3 .. 4 £3,645 Employers. 5. Bread and Small-goods Baking (Bread). 14 to 16 .. 4 See I .. i 17 to 20 .. 8 Table 21 and over 79 5 .. .. 149 .. 48 .. ..48 £10,181 Employers, 58. Bread and Small-goods Baking (Pastry). 17 to 20 .. | 2 I 10/4 27/6 .. 21andover| 15 ! 20/to 70/ I .. .. 31 .. 11 .. ... 11 £2,080 Employers, 14. Brewing and Malting, 4c. 17 to 20.. i 2 j 25/4 32/6 . 1 | 20/ I I I 21 and over | 57 I 30/ to 70/ | .. .. 64 .. 2 | 1 1 i 4 £9,701 Brewers, 80/ to 240/ Employers, 4. Brick, Tile, and Pottery Making. 14 to 16 .. 10 See I .. I .. | , 17 to 20 .. 26 Table 21 and over! 199 5 .. .. 260 I 4 | 8 2 14 £29,219 Employers, 15. Brushware-manufacturing. 14 to 16.. 1 | 17/6 .... I 17 to 20 .. 1 20/ 2 , 20/ 4 22/6 21andover 3 j 40/to 50/ | .. .. 10 j 2 .. .. 2 £546 Employers, 3. Butchers' Small-goods Manufacturing. 14 to 16 .. 2 See j .. I .. i 17 to 20 .. 8 Table 21 and over 44 5 .. 104 .. 41 .. .. | 41 £6,499 Employers, 50. Butter Making and Packing, and ("roam-separating. 17 to 20 .. I 5 j 10/ to 25/ I .. .. I I I 21 and over I 31 | 35/ to 70/ .. 37 | .. 4 2 .. 6 £3,935 Employer, 1. Cabinetmaking and Upholstering. 14 to 16 .. 30 See I 17 to 20.. 56 Table 6 12/6 to 17/6 21 and over 231 5 19 20/to 35/ i 392 42 | 9 2 1 53 £34,365 Employers, 60. Candle-making (also carrice on in conjunction with Soap and Soda Manufacturing). 14 to 16 .. 2 | 10/ ft 12/ .. I 17 to 20.. 1 24/ 21 and over 5 40/ to 70/ .. .. 8 ' .. 1 .. .. 1 £776 Cardboard-box Making. 14 to 16 .. II 15/ 7 8/ to 15/ 17 to 20.. 3 I 17/6 to 22/6 18 10/to 30/ 21 and over 7 30/ to 60/ 8 15/to 40/ 44 .. .. .. 1 1 £744 Carpentering, Joinery, Sawmilling, and Sash and Door Making. 14 to 16 .. 35 See .. .. I 17 to 20 .. 99 Table 21 and over I 403 5 .. .. 650 68 | 13 4 85 £56,917 Employers, 113.