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FACTORIES— continued. Table 1—continued.

2—H. 11.

•r ni 'ersons empl loyed, and Weekly Wages. Number of Work-rooms employing Males. Females. Number of I Total whom are Up to „ I j Number Indentured 8 p Number Weekly Wages. Number! Weekly Wages, employed. Appren- Persons. Age..' Males. Number of I whom are Up to „, ,. More Indentured 8 p™„. than 30 Total Appren- Persons. rHWM - Persons, tices. i to so ,. ersons. ~ Total Waf paid durii ; h"n"o Tot.1 theY<MU ?ersons. Total Wage? paid during the Year AUCKLAND (CITY)— continued. Sawmilling (Summary of all Branches). 14 to 16 .. 47 I .. .. I 17 to 20 .. 103 I 21 and over 528 I .. .. .. 693 .. 5 Employers, 15. 3 9 ' 17 £64.204 Seed Cleaning and Packing. 14 to 16 .. | 2 ] 10/ 1 10/ 17 to 20 .. 1 ! 30/ 1 10/ 21 and over i 5 45/to 60/ 6 10/to 15/ I 19 .. 2 Employers. 3. 1 3 £386 Sewing-machine Repairing. 14 to 16 .. 1 12/ .. I .. | 17 to 20 .. 1 20/ 21 and over 3 37/6 to 60/ .. .. 7 I .. 2 | Employers, 2. 2 ) £431 Shirt-making. 14 to 16 .. 3 I 10/6 to 13/ I 64 5/ to 19/ 17 to 20 .. 5 I 10/6 to 45/ 173 5/ to 30/ 21 and over 45 30/ to 90/ | 176 10/to 40/ 471 .. 3 Kmployers—Males 4, female 1. 4 4 11 £17,373 Sign and Ticket Writing. 14 to 16 .. I 1 12/ .. .. I 17 to 20 .. 2 19/ 4 25/ 21 and over | 3 44/ to 55/ .. 9 .. 2 Employers, 3. 2 £452 Soap-boiling. 14 to 16 .. 6 See 17 to 20 .. 4 I Table 1 14/ 21 and over 16 5 3 20/ 34 .. 4 Employers, 4. Stone Quarrying and Crushing. 21 and over | 17 | See Table 5 | .. | .. | 19 | .. | 2 | Employers, 2. Sugar-refining. 1 1 I 5 £2,393 . . | 3 | £1,518 14 to 16 .. | 15 See 17 to 20 .. 31 Table 21 and over j 200 5 .. .. 246 I 1 . 1 | £29,853 Tailoring. 14 to 16 .. 12 See 31 See 17 to 20.. 32 Table 88 Table 21 and over 177 5 254 5 700 .. 55 Employers, 106. Tanning and Currying. 14 to 16 .. 1 See .. .. I 17 to 20.. 2 Table 21 and over 67 5 .. .. 72 .. 2 Employers, 2. Tea Blending and Packing. 14 to 16.. 25 7/to 15/ 4 6/to 11/ I 17 to 20 .. 8 12/6 to 42/ 8 9/ to 18/ 21 and over 17 20/to 70/ 1 A5/ | 78 I 10 Employers, 15. Tinsmithing. 14 to 16 .. 13 6/ to 12/6 17 to 20 .. ! 22 12/6 to 35/ 21 and over 33 30/ to 70/ .. 84 ... 11 Employers, 16. Tobacco-outting and Cigar and Cigarette Making. 14 to 16 .. .. .. II 12/ I 17 to 20 .. 1 30/ 6 11/to 25/ | 21 and over 5 30/ to 75/ 1 4 30/ 22 .. 9 Employers, 5. Toy and Doll Making, 4c. 35 | 1 3 1 90 I £42,643 1 4 £7,545 _ U £2,956 I ... 1 U £4,858 9 I £765 14 to 16 .. I 1 12/6 | .. 17 to 20 .. I .. .. 1 10/ 21 and over 2 50/ 4 55/ .. 6 .. 2 Employere, 2. Umbrella Making and Repairing. 14 to 16 .. 1 7/6 17 to 20.. .. .. 3 11/to 20/ 21 and over 4 30/ to 50/ 5 17/ to 25/ 16 .. 2 Employers, 3. 1 2 £230 3 ' £818