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Factories Act. There were 126 factories registered during thr year, i mploying 653 males and 131 females, making a total of 784. In most factories the work done has 1 satisfactory nature for the year. As mentioned in my monthly labour reports, the building trades, and also tailoring, dressmaking, and millinery, have been busy, and a considerable amount of overtime worked at these trades. Permits to young persons to work in factories : Certificates have been issued to 17 males and 13 females; total, 30. Accidents. Four accidents were reported during the year, only one of which was severe, the boy injured having to lose his arm. Sanitation. I have pointed out in former reports that in a town like Ash burton constant supervision is absolutely necessary to k<v|> the factories of the town in a fairly sanitary condition. Overtime Permits. Permits have been issued to 17 males and 85 females, who worked 2,817 hours. Servants' Registry Offices Act. There are only 3 of these ; they are well conducted, and I have had no complaints. Shearers' Accommodation Act. In my visit to the sheds in this district I found that more attention is being paid to the comfort of the men. A few minor matters were attended to. j Tv conclusion, I wish to express my thanks to all employers and others for the courtesy" shown to me_while in the execution"of my various duties. I have, &c., R. S. Bean, The Chief Inspector of Factories, Wellington. Inspector of Factories. TIMARU. Sir, — Department of Labour, Timaru, 9th April, 1908. I have the honour to submit, for your information, my annual report on the working* of this branch of the Department for the year ending 31st March, 1908. General. In reviewing the year's trade, it is very pleasing to note that in many industries it has been a very prosperous one, especially in the building trades ; and still carpenters, bricklayers, and plasterers are being advertised for daily. The number of building permits issued by the Borough Council during the year was 208, and the amount spent in buildings amounted to no [less a sum than £97,428. Besides this a large sum was spent on erecting buildings in the suburbs. I am pleased to report that the Council are busy laying down underground drainage which, when finished, will be the means of securing for the town a much more healthy and sanitary condition of things than exists at present. This work is costing £50,000. Factories Act. The number of factories registered for the period was 230, about the same number as last year. With very few exceptions, I have had little or no trouble with the proprietors of factories, the great majority keeping their workrooms clean and well ventilated ; and by this time next year I hope to be able to report that every factory ij>the town will be oonnected with the underground drainage, making it an up-to-date town in every respect. The number of persons employed was 1,245 —namely, 914 males and 331 females, an increase of 29 employees. Three persons were prosecuted during the year, and in each case a small fine was imposed, with costs. Permits issued to Young Persons under Section 26. Forty-eight certificates of fitness to work in factories have been issued to boys and girls under sixteen years of age, 30 being issued to boys and 18 to girls. , Overtime. The amount of overtime worked in factories during the year was —Males, 33,865 hours ; females, 2,972 hours : making a total of 36,837 hours. This year shows a decided increase in amount of overtime worked, and several employers could have done with more. Accidents. There were 26 accidents reported during the year, and inquiries made ; and, where necessary, instructions were given to guard machinery, &c. Only 2 of these were of a serious nature. The remaining 24 were of a slight character, chiefly to slaughtermen, who had a finger or a hand cut, [ but who returned to work in the course of two or three days.