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correct quota of indebtedness under the general trust estate, also the payment of any costs and expenses incurred by the Native owners in connection with any of the matters arising out of the matters herein. 3. After liquidation of the block's quota of indebtedness as aforesaid, that the residue of the block be transferred back to the Native owners found to be entitled thereto. Dated this 20th day of August, 1908. W. Douglas Ltsnar, Solicitor for the Native Owners, as per appearance. To the Registrar of the Validation Court and the East Coast Native Trust Lands Commissioner, or his solicitor, J. W. Nolan, Esq. APPENDIX (' In the Validation Court, at Gisborne. In the matter of " The Native Lands (Validation of Titles) Act, 1893," and of the Mangaheia No. 2n Block; and in the matter of the accounts filed herein, and dated the 20th day of July, 1908. Take notice that upon the hearing and investigation of the above-mentioned accounts the Native,' owners of the above block will claim, inter alia: — 1. That the general trust estate shall discharge any encumbrances on the said block in excess of the ascertained proportion of the block's fair iu\t\ correct quota of indebtedness under the general trust estate. 2. Payment to the Native owners entitled thereto of the balance of rents collected, after payment of interest and any other lawful charges incidental to the block's correct proportion of indebtedness under the general trust estate, and any costs and expenses incurred by the Native owners in connection with the said encumbrances or the said application. '■'>. After liquidation of the ascertained proportion of the said block's indebtedness under the general trust estate as aforesaid, that the whole of the land be transferred back to the Native owners entitled thereto, subject only to any existing leases against the same. Dated this 20th day of August, 1908. W. Douglas Ltsnar, Solicitor for the Native Owners, as per appearance. To the Registrar of the Validation Court and the East Coast Native Trust Lands Commissioner, or his solicitor, J. W. Nolan, Esq. APPENDIX D. In the Validation Court, AT GISBORNE. In the matter of " The Native Lands (Validation of Titles) Act, 1893," and of the Tawapata North No. 1, Tawapata North No. 2, Tawapata South, Nukutaurua, Moutere No. 1, Moutere No. 2, and Whangawehi No. 1 Blocks, all situate at Te Mahia; and in the matter of the accounts dated the 20th day of July, 1908, filed herein. Take notice that upon the hearing and investigation of the above-mentioned accounts the Native owners of the above blocks will claim, inter alia:-^— 11 That the balance of unpaid purchase-moneys for the sale of the Nukutaurua and Moutere No. 1 Blocks, in terms of the several decrees and orders of this honourable Court made in the premises, and of the agreements between the parties, together with interest thereon down to date of payment, and costs incurred by the Native owners consequent upon the non-payment of the said purchase-moneys, be paid to the Native owners entitled thereto. 2. Regarding the balance of the said Mahia lands (other than the said Nukutaurua and Moutere No. 1 Blocks) included in the decrees, which were vested in the Trustees of the general trust estate, that all encumbrances and charges made against the same in excess of each respective block's share of the general indebtedness of the trust estate shall be paid and the said lands discharged from such liabilities, including any costs and interest which may have been incurred incidental thereto. 3. After liquidation of each block's quota of indebtedness as aforesaid, provision be made for transferring back the lands to the Native owners entitled thereto. Dated this 20th day of August, 1908. W. Douglas Ltsnar, Solicitor for the Native Owners, as per appearance. To the Registrar of the Validation Court and the East Coast Native Trust Lands Commissioner, or his solicitor, J. W. Nolan, Esq.