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In conclusion, the Court would like to specially mention and express its appreciation of the assistance given to it by the Commissioner (Mr. T. A. Coleman) in arriving at the adjustments proposed. The Commissioner is a chartered accountant. The special official accountant reported that the Board's ami the Commissioner's accounts " have been well kept, on a system suited to the needs of the trust." Dated at Gisborne, this 12th day of September, 1908. By the Court. R. N. Jones, The Validation Court of New Zealand. Judge. APPENDIX A. Valibation Court, Gisborne, Thursday, 10th September, 1908. (Inquiry under Section 22, 1906.) The Court pronounced the following formal finding : — Pursuant to the powers vested in it by section 22 of " The Maori Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1906 " the Court, having made the inquiries directed by that section in open Court, heard all parties who claimed to be heard before it, and perused the accounts submitted by the East Coast Commissioner, and the report of the official accountant thereon, doth hereby determine as A. The whole amount of the debt paid by the East Coast Native Trust Lands Board or the East Coast Commissioner to the Bank of New Zealand under its securities was the sum of £111,181 S ' B. The amount of "other claims " against the Trustees paid or provided for by the Board or Commissioner was the sum of £21,087 ss. sd. C The expenses of management, including all outgoings paid by the Board or Commissioner up to the 29th day of October, 1906, the date of the passing of the said Act, and not comprised under A or B, was the sum of £13,463 9s. 6d. D That the expenses of management as defined by C paid or proivded for by the Commissioner subsequent to the 29th October, 1906, and up to the 31st March, 1907, the nearest statutory balancing-day of the Commissioner, was the sum of £4,338 6s. 4d. F That the proportion of the whole debt to the bank, of the •' other claims paid, of the expenses of management up to the 29th October, 1906, and of the expenses of management up to the 31st March, 1907, which the respective blocks ought, in the opinion of the Court, to properly bear, are set out in the schedule hereunder.

The Schedule .

Name of Block. Bank Debt. Other Claims. Expenses of Management to 29th October, 1906. Expenses of Management to 31st March, 1907. Total. k>. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Mangaokura No. 1 .. Mangatu Nos. 5 and 6 Matawhero B, or 5 .. Matawhero No. 1 .. Motu No. 1 Okahuatui No. 2 Pakowbai Whataupoko D, Section 67 .. Whataupoko, part G. Mangaheia No 2d .. Maungawaru No. 2 Maungawaru No. 3.. Maraetaha No. 2, Section 4 .. Maraetaha No. 2a, Sections 2, 3 Maraetaha No 2, Section 3 .. Maraetaha No. 2, Section 6 .. Moutere No. 2, Section 1 Mangapoike No. 2 .. Nukutaurua and Moutere No. 1 Paremata Tahora No. 2 Tawapata North No. Iα Tawapata North No. 2, Subdivision 1 Tawapata South No. 1 Whangawehi Iα Whangawehi Iβ, lc £ s. d 824 18 6 12,373 17 6 2(13 0 6 1,814 9 7 1,703 1 0 21,287 15 0 22,101 0 6 48 13 0 405 10 0 2,676 18 7 4,421 13 6 736 18 11 10,291 9 3 £ s. d. 149 5 1 2,238 17 0 52 19 0 328 0 0 307 17 0 3,848 5 0 3,995 6 0 8 16 0 73 6 0 674 7 1 71 10 0 87 9 0 219 7 11 166 17 4 £ s. d. 43 3 9 647 15 4 15 7 0 94 17 0 89 2 0 1,114 0 0 1,156 16 0 2 11 0 21 4 0 2,232 3 9 76 6 6 96 5 0 586 4 10 170 1 4 £ s. d. 83 19 3 1,259 8 4 £ s. d. 1,101 6 7 16,519 18 2 361 6 6 2,237 6 7 2,100 0 0 26,250 0 0 27,253 2 6 60 0 0 500 0 0 5,923 3 4 4,615 17 6 980 5 5 11,204 19 3 354 1 0 339 13 11 46 7 6 59 12 6 107 17 3 17 2 4 15 16 17 18 19 297 2 7 164 19 11 216 8 0 24 10 0 1,651 19 3 195 4 2 89 17 5 302 8 2 12 9 3 1,307 12 7 52 4 0 172 5 1 5 17 8 216 13 10 2 17 0 307 1 4 690 16 3 339 19 6 3,176 5 8 198 1 2 20 21 22 23 16,809 13 11 2,210 16 9 2,511 10 8 2,511 10 8 705 13 11 4,805 10 6 155 6 7 155 15 7 1,889 18 2 2.426 19 5 73 17 11 70 0 6 223 7 5 1,420 13 9 23 12 5 21 19 2 19,628 13 5 10,864 0 5 2,764 7 7 2,759 5 11 24 25 26 5,209 15 5 703 0 1 1,949 1 4 581 11 10 60 11 2 147 17 1 609 17 10 137 10 5 197 0 4 171 10 5 55 11 11 57 12 7 6,572 15 6 956 13 7 2,351 11 4 111,181 17 3 21,087 5 5 13,463 9 6 4,338 6 4 150,070 18 6