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Laid before Parliament pursuant to Section 11 of " The. Maori hand Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment Act, 190?'."

The Chief Judge of the Validation Court to the Hon. the Minister of Native Affaibs. g m The Validation Court (Chief Judge's Office). I have the honour to forward herewith the decision of the Validation Court under section 11 of " The Maori Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment Act, 1907," which is required under that section to be laid before Parliament. I have, &c, Jackson Palmer, The Hon. the Minister of Native Affairs. Chief Judge of the Validation Court. In the Validation Court, HOLDEN AT GISBOHNE. In the matter of "The Maori Land Claims Adjust- • ment and Laws Amendment Act, 1906," and of the East Coast Native Trust Lands Estate. In compliance with the statutory provision in that behalf, the Court hereby submits for the consideration of Parliament the scheme of adjustment which it proposes to adopt in adjusting the equities between the beneficial owners of the respective blocks constituting the above estate. The full particulars of such proposed adjustment will be found in the formal findings of the Court, a copy of which is hereto attached as Appendix A. '" The Court adopted, as the most convenient period for settling the accounts, the 31st March, 1907 The Commissioner's statutory balancing-day and the various accounts are adjusted as at that date. The Board went out of office in February, 1907, so that this date covers the whole of its management. However, in case it should be found necessary to restrict the adjustment to the date of the passing of the Act of 1906, the accounts have also been adjusted to that date. The Court held its inquiry in open Court, commencing on the 20th July, 1908, due notice of the sitting having been given. Besides members of the Bar representing various groups of beneficiaries a large number of Natives appeared ; but it soon became evident that the latter could give no assistance to the Court, and after the first day they took no active part. After the Commissioner's accounts had been formally laid before the Court it was directed that they, together with a pro forma adjustment by the Commissioner on the balances as shown in such statement, should remain open for public inspection for a period of three weeks, so that every one concerned should have the fullest opportunity of examining them and objecting thereto. Any objections were to be made in writing and lodged with the Court. Formal objections were lodged by Mr. Lysnar on behalf of the beneficial owners of nine of the blocks. These objections principally referred to matters which had been anticipated and provided for in the proposed adjustment; and on the proposals being fully explained Mr. Lysnar expressed himself satisfied subject to all credits to which the respective blocks were entitled having been properly given. Mr. Hutchison lodged an objection on behalf of the beneficial owners of Maraetaha No. 2a, Sections 2 and 3. No part of the bank's debt had been charged against these sections, and the other charges debited seem