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The draft Convention, which was submitted to the Berlin Conference, was communicated to you in my predecessor's despatch of 12th January 1905, but your Ministers will perceive that that draft was considerably modified, largely on the initiative of the British delegates at the Conference, and in a manner to safeguard the interests of the Empire. The participation of the Colonies which adhere to the Convention in future Conferences is provided for by Article 12 of the Convention and Article 1 of the final Protocol, and it will be seen that the arrangement will doubtless secure similar representation to that provided under the Postal Union, which has worked satisfactorily, as was admitted during the discussion of this question at the Colonial Conference. Copies of the Convention were sent to you in my " Library " despatch of 15th January last and the Proceedings of the Berlin Conference were communicated to you in my " Library " despatch of the 10th April. I have, &c, ELGIN. Governor the Right Hon. Lord Plunket, K.C.M.G., K.C'.V.O.

No. 5.

(Miscellaneous.) My Lord, — Downing Street, Ist August, 1907. With reference to the Local Medal for Long Service and Good Conduct now issued to Members of the Colonial Permanent Military Forces, I have the honour to inform you that the Army Council have had under consideration the question of the institution of a general Medal for Long Service and Good Conduct in Colonial Forces throughout the Empire, to take the place of the various existing local Medals, and have suggested that the ribbon to be attached thereto should also be the same colours throughout the Empire, instead of being as at present red, with stripes of some other colour down the centre to indicate the particular Colony. I shall be glad to learn whether your Ministers concur in that suggestion, the object of which, I understand, is that when Forces from different Colonies are serving together the ribbon by itself will make the character of the Medal easily recognisable. I have, &c, ELGIN. Governor the Right Hon. Lord Plunket, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O.

No. 6.

(No. 70.) My Lord, — Downing Street, 2nd August, 1907. I have the honour to transmit to you for the information of your Ministers a copy of the Report of the Conference on the subject of Merchant Shipping Legislation, held between Representatives of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia, and New Zealand in March and April last. I shall be glad to be informed in due course what action your Government propose to take in the matters dealt with in the several Resolutions passed by the Conference. The Board of Trade have at present under their consideration the Resolutions which affect that department. The result of the Conference has been, I hope, to show the value of such conferences, when matters of a difficult and complex nature have to be discussed from various points of view. I have, &c, ELGIN. Governor the Right Hon. Lord Plunket, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O.