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THIRD SCHEDULE— continued B. Sections not disposed of. Acres Mangatu No. 1, Section 18 ... ... ... ... ... 3,400 20 ... ... ... ... ... 2,820 21 ... ... ... ... ... 3,660 22 ... ... ... ... ... 2,850 23 ... ... ... ... ... 3,800 27 ... ... ... ... ... 2,050 28 ... ... ... ... ... 2,460 29 ... ... ... ... ... 3,510 30 ... ... ... ... ... 4,120 31 3,350 Total ... ... ... ... ... 32,020 FOURTH SCHEDULE. Wi Pere Trust Estate. Blook - A. Kaiti, Section 301 . ... ... ... ... ... 19 134 302 ... ... ... ... ... 23 1 30 Whataupoko A, Section 130, No. 1 ... ... ... 0 3 18 130, No. 2* ... ... ... 0 10 125/7 0 1 30 Makauri 35, 25/25 A ... ~. ... ... ... 52 1 9 4,41/3 ... ... ... ... ... 49 1 7 5 45 25 0 0 Waimata 83, Block I, 51+ ... ... ... ... 11 114 Manukawhitikitiki 2h ... ... ... ... ... 458 2 0 1b 2 (part) ... ... ... ... 223 0 0 Puhatikotiko 6b ... ... ... ... ... 1,955 0 0 Tangihanga No. Ia ... ... ... ... ... 4,471 028 PukepapaA ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,262 319 F2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 229 3 33 Okahuatiu Id 2b 1 ... ... ... ... ... 764 3 2 Repongaere 4a, 4b, 4p (part) ... ... ... ... 165 2 36 Karaka 14, 15, and 17 ... ... ... ... ... 84 0 0 Poututu A 2, A3, A 4, 82, 86, C 3 ... ... ... ... 8,371 1 2 Mangatu No. 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... 20,000 0 0 38,168 2 22 * With house. t Orohard.

FIFTH SCHEDULE. Lands vested in the Tairawhiti Maori Land Board (by Transfer under" The Maori Lands Administration Act, 1900").

These are the only blocks in the Cook County vested in the Board; but there are other blocks for which the Board has been appointed receiver.

Block. Owners. Area. Remarks. Hangaroa-Matawai B3 ... Hauomatuku 2a 2b 8a 9b 9c Kumukumu Rangatira 3a No. 1 Tapuibikitia C (part) Kaiaua No. 2a... 2b... 2c Waimata East No. 2 South No. 2 ... 5 12 18 13 6 25 7 44 14 17 16 78 58 A. 504 60 143 47 27 43 55 83 158 285 224 191 205 298 E. P. 0 0 0 0 2 23 2 0 1 29 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 28 1 23 0 32 0 0 Leased for 21 years. „ 5 „ (for timber). 5 „ 5 „ 5 „ 5 „ 5 „ 5 „ 5 „ „ 21 years. 21 „ 21 „ 21 „ 21 „ Total 2,325 2 31