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" The Maori Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment Act, 1907," are complied with. We may add that the lessors will be Pani Karauria and Tv Tiakitai for the 60 acres before mentioned, and we think in equal shares—that is, 30 acres each. The rental at 6s. per acre will be £9 each. The Crown will be lessor of 717 acres 8 perches—that will be a rental of ,£215 2s. 3d.—and the balance of the 5,000 acres will be held from the Maori lessor-owners in proportion to the share of each in Block No. 3a No. 6 after deducting the Crown area. As to the rents paid, and the occupation since the termination of the original lease, and the amount due for such occupation, these questions, we understand, may be referred to us by the parties for adjustment and settlement. If these questions are not adjusted or referred to arbitration we see in front of the Natives lengthy and expensive litigation. Unfortunately, that possibility has not hitherto deterred some of these Natives from resorting to Courts, and what has happened in the past may recur in the future. We have the honour to be, Your Excellency's humble and obedient servants, Bobert Stout, A. T. Ngata, Commissioners. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,500 copies), £1 14s. By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington. — l9oß. Price 3d.