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The Postmaster-General has pleasure in sending herewith a copy of the "propositions" for the Conference in French. The usual number of copies of these " propositions " were sent by the International Telegraph Bureau at Berne to the New Zealand Administration on the 21st ultimo. As regards the English translation, this is purely a private enterprise, the publication being in the hands of the Electrician Printing and Publishing Company, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street; and the High Commissioner will no doubt communicate with that firm, ordering such copies as may be required. I am to add that a communication (of which a copy is enclosed) [No. 63], discussing the proposals of the Eastern and other cable companies and of this Department for the Conference, was sent to the Telegraph Administration of New Zealand and to the other Telegraph Administrations of the British Empire by this Department on the 15th ultimo, I have, Ac, H. Babington Smith. The Secretary to the High Commissioner for New Zealand.

Enclosure 4 in No. 66. The Under-Secretary of State. Colonial Office, to the High Commissioner. Sir,— Colonial Office, London, S.W., 6th February, 1908. I am directed by the Earl of Elgin to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the' Ist instant with reference to the International Telegraph Conference to be held at Lisbon in April, and to inform you that, in response'to inquiries made at the suggestion of the Colonial Office, a communication dated the 21st November last was received by the Foreign Office from His Majesty's Minister at Lisbon to the effect that he had ascertained from the Portuguese Minister for Foreign Affairs that invitations to the Conference had been issued to certain Governments, including that of New Zealand, through the Portuguese Consuls. Lord Elgin addressed a despatch on the 17th January last [not printed] to the Governor of the Dominion inquiring whether the appointment of a representative was contemplated and requesting that a reply might be made by telegraph. His Lordship regrets that by an oversight a reference was not made to you before the despatch was sent, and he is telegraphing to the Governor to the effect that he has now heard from you on the subject. I have, Ac, H. Bertram Cox. The High Commissioner for New Zealand.

Enclosure 5 in No. 66. The Secretary to the High Commissioner to the Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office. Westminster Chambers, 13 Victoria Street, London, S.W., Sir,— 7th February, 1908. I am directed by the High Commissioner to acknowdedge the receipt of your letter of the 6th instant, and in reference thereto to request the favour of your informing him what steps are being taken by the Colonial Office for the purpose of securing a formal invitation to the Conference from the Portuguese Government to the Government of New Zealand. I have, Ac, The Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office, S.W. Walter Kennaway.

No. 67. The High Commisstoner to the Right Hon. the Prime Minister. (Telegram.) London, 12th February, 1908. Referring to mv telegi am of the 6th February, International Telegraph Conference will meet 4th May. [Tel. 08/822]

No. 68. The High Commissioner to the Right Hon. the Prime Minister. Westminster Chambers, 13 Victoria Street, London, S.W., 12th February, 1908. Sir, — • International Telegraph Conference. Referring to my letter of the 7th instant, I beg to transmit copy of letter which has been addressed by the Colonial Office to the Foreign Office, also copy of lettter from the Foreign Office to Sir F. Villiers, as regards the non-receipt by the Government of an invitation to the Conference at Lisbon. I may add that I have this day been informed that the Conference will meet on Monday, the 4th May next, and I have accordingly cabled to you to that effect. I have, Ac, The Right Hon. the Prime Minister, Wellington. W. P. Reeves. [Tel. 08/822.]