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No. 31. The Chief Postmaster, Auckland, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Auckland, 22nd November, 1907. Steamer " Aeon " from San Francisco arrived in port about 8 a.m. [Note. —This was the third steamer of the Weir line.] [S.F. Agr. 07/190.]

No. 32. The Deputy Postmaster-General, Sydney, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Commonwealth of Australia, Postmaster-General's Department, Sir, — General Post Office, Sydney, 3rd December, 1907. With reference to the memorandum, dated the 26th October last (from the Chief Postmaster, Auckland), [not printed], concerning the transhipping of mails from the s.s. " Yeddo " to the s.s. " Mokoia," and the gratuities claimed thereon, I have the honour to inform you that the matter is one regarding which this Department cannot accept responsibility. As suggested in connection with a similar case submitted by you on the 9th October last, you should communicate with the Washington Office about same. I have, &c, E. J. Young, Deputy Postmaster-General. The Secretary, General Post- Office, Wellington, N.Z. [S.F. Payts. 07/98.] _^^^_^^^_____^^^^_

No. 33. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Superintendent of Foreign Mails, Washington. Sir, — General Post Office, Wellington, 10th December, 1907. I have the honour to inform you that on the 30th September last United States mails were transhipped at Auckland from the " Foreric " to another vessel for a quicker despatch to Australia. The question of payment of gratuity for the Auckland-Sydney transport, of course, arose, and I applied to the Postmaster-General's Department in Melbourne for payment of the gratuity. I attach copy of my letter of the 7th November, and of that from the Secretary to the Postmaster-General's Department of the 21st November, from which you will learn that this office represented that the question of the liability for payment of the gratuities is one for settlement between that Department and your own, and also that the Postmaster-General's Department repudiates the liability and declines to communicate with you as to a settlement. In these circumstances I write you direct. Undoubtedly the benefit accruing to your mails by the transhipment has earned the gratuity, and I shall be glad to hear that you consent to discharge the obligation without delay. The gratuity, which is not known at this office, is payable to the Union Steam Ship Company (Limited), Dunedin. The total sea distance from San Francisco to Sydney, via Auckland, is 7,205 miles, the Auckland-to-Sydney distance 1,277 miles. I shall be glad to know whether it is desired that future similar transhipments of mail for Australia shall be made when it is certain that time would be gained thereby. I have, &c, W. R. Morris, for Secretary. The Superintendent of Foreign Mails, Post Office Department, Washington, D.C. [S.F. Payts. 07/92.]

No. 34. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Superintendent of Foreign Mails, Washington. Sir, — General Post Office, Wellington, 18th December, 1907. I have the honour to refer to the letter from this office of the 10th instant about the transhipment at Auckland on the 30th September last of United States mails from the s.s. " Foreric " to another vessel to secure a quicker despatch to Australia, and to inform you that a transhipment was made at Auckland on the 28th October of mails for Australia received from San Francisco by the s.s. " Yeddo." As in the former case, the question of payment of gratuity for the Auckland-Sydney transport was taken up by this Department; but, as will be seen from the attached copy of letter, dated the 3rd instant, from the Deputy Postmaster-General, Sydney, the Australian Administration repudiates any liability, and suggests that the matter be represented to your office. I shall be glad to hear that the payment of the amount due is authorised by you. The gratuity is payable to the Union Steam Ship Company as before. Your reply to my last letter will settle the question of continuing to tranship these mails. I have, &c, D. Robertson, Secretary. The Superintendent of Foreign Mails, Post Office Department, Washington, D.C. LSJ". Payts. 07/99.] |