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The number of contributors to the fund who, having attained the statutory age of retirement, are still employed in the Education service shows a decrease of two since the end of the previous year : —

Contributors of the Statutory Age of Retirement.

Particulars of retirements from the fund are given in Table I of the Appendix of E.-14. Of the number of contributors who retired during the year 24 (including 4 " medically unfit" cases) were granted annual allowances aggregating £1,389 10s. Six widows and 8 children, the representatives of 6 contributors who died, were granted annual allowances (£212), and also a refund of the contributions (£132 9s. 9d.). The total number of retired contributors on account of whom annual allowances were granted during the year was therefore 30. Four contributors whose length of service was not over fifteen years retired as being " medically unfit for further duty " : In each of these cases, a sum equal to one-twelfth part of the total salary received by them during all the years of their service prior to the Ist January, 1906, was granted, together with a refund of their contributions to the fund. The total amounts were £212 10s. Id. and £21 9s. 9d. respectively : total, £233 19s. 10d. Seven contributors died before entering upon pension, and their contributions to the fund, amounting to £87 4s. 3d., were paid to their legal representatives. To 100 contributors who voluntarily retired from the Education service before becoming entitled to participate in the benefits of the fund contributions amounting to £1,014 10s. Id. were returned. The total number of contributors who retired from the Education service during the year was 141. Particulars regarding the retiring-allowances current at the end of the year are given in Table 2 of the Appendix of E.-14. Five pensioners died during the year, of whom 4 left widows, and 2 children under the age of fourteen years, to whom annual allowances were granted. Three children attained the age of fourteen years, and their allowances consequently ceased. The balance to the credit of the fund is £62,222 11s., and of this sum £48,100 has been invested on mortgage—£37,loo at per cent., and £11,000 at 5 per cent. The balance, £14,122 11s., bearing interest at 4 per cent., is awaiting investment by the Public Trustee. School Buildings. The vote for maintenance of school buildings, which was charged entirely to the Consolidated Fund, was distributed, as in the previous year, in accordance with the report of the Select Committee on Education set up by the House of Representatives in the session of 1903—namely, as follows : — (a.) The basis for the distribution of the amounts available for the ordinary repair and maintenance of schools and residences (including replacement of worn-out buildings) was the present current cost of the construction of such buildings, estimated to be £1,366,250 (£1,229,100 for wooden buildings and £137,150 for those of brick or stone).


As at 31st March, 1908. As at 31st Marcb, 1907. Age: Years. M. P. Total. M. P. Total. 15-66 16-67 17-68 18-69 0-71 6 1 2 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 2 4 1 2 2 2 4 1 2 2 10-61 11-62 12-63 "l 1 "l 1 Totals ... 11 11 11 13