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They have been prepared on a journey-time of fifteen minutes for a stopping passenger-train between Christchurch and Lyttelton, and ten minutes for a through train. The times of the goodstrain will remain as at present. The average speeds are, passenger-trains, thirty miles per hour; goods-trains, thirteen miles per hour.

A. Table showing Electrical Energy required on the Basis of a Ton-mile Calculation.

Estimated Cost of Installation. (a.) The estimated amount of current required would therefore be 1,900,000 units. To supply this energy and to meet the maximum possible load with two goods and one passenger trains on both up and down the same time, a 3,000-kilowatt plant would be wanted, together with a 1,000-ampere-hour booster battery with necessary duplicate parts, including buildings. (b.) To run the goods service five electric locomotives would be necessary, four in regular use and one for emergencies. The electric locomotive would also be used to run the Dunedin express or special trains of ordinary carriages between Christchurch and Lyttelton. (c.) To run the ordinary passenger service, allowance has been made for three- and five-car trains made up as follows : — Motor-cars, with compartment for guard and luggage, at each end of train, with one first, -one second, and first and second composite smoking trailing cars between. The cost of these trains would be almost £8,000 each—£2,soo each for the motor-cars and £1,000 for the trailers. (d.) The Lyttelton Tunnel would require the adoption of special methods for overhead equipment; but a fair estimate to allow for the whole section would be £5,000 per mile of double track. The cost of installing electric traction would therefore be about as follows: — £ (a.) Power plant ... ... ... ... ... ... 60,000 (b.) Electric locomotives for goods traffic: five, at £3,500 each ... 17,500 (c.) Three passenger-trains at £8,000 each ... ... ... 24,000 (d.) Overhead equipment, miles, at £5,000 ... ... ... 32,500 134,000 Contingencies, 10 per cent. ... ... ... 13,400 Total ... ... ... ... ... ... 147,400

Trains. Number Average Weight of Trains of Trains in per Day. Tons. Tonnage per Day. Tonnage per Annum. Total. Passenger „ Sundays Goods 36 13 19 112 112 320 4,032 1,456 6,080 1,262,016 75,712 1,903,040 Specials (add about 5 per cent.) 3,240,768 159,232 Total 3,400,000 Total Tonnage. Length of Line, Miles. Ton-miles. ectrical Energy consumed. Watt-h Ton. lours per -mile. Kilowatts per Annum. 3,400,000 6-5 22,119,500 m 1,812,200 B. Table showing 'lectrical Energy ft 'quired on the Bas It of Spee, l of Trains and Horse-power. • Trains. Average Avera g e Tons. rr per Hour. Average Estimaied Horsepower. Coefficient of Energy for Stardng. Horsepower Total. Average Electric Kilowatts required per Train. Trains per Annum. Electric Kilowatts, Total. . Passenger Goods ... 112 320 30 13 268 352 3 3 804 1,056 75 150 11,944 5,947 895,800 892,050 Add for special trains 5 per cent. 1,787,850 89,392 Total 1,877,242