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the Government Railway Workshops, and comprised three large tender engines, four-cylinder, " balanced, compound," one large tender engine, " single expansion " type, and six heavy tank engines; and two large tender engines of the four-cylinder " balanced compound " type were completed under Messrs. A. and G. Price's contract. In the Railway Workshops to date 63 engines have been built, and 24 old locomotives rebuilt to more modern types. Four, hundred and sixty-two locomotives passed through the workshops during the year, details as follows :—

Included in above return are six engines for Public Works Department. In the Railway Workshops the following locomotives were under construction at close of year — viz., 8 large tender engines, four-cylinder " balanced compound " type, specially designed for the heavy gradients on the North Island Main Trunk Railway, and 10 heavy tank engines. Under the contract with Messrs. A. and G. Price, Thames, 18 engines were incomplete, so that altogether there were in hand at close of year 36 locomotive engines. Boilers. —Very satisfactory progress has been made with boiler renewals and repairs. Eighteen new boilers were completed. The details of boiler work done are as follows : —

Thirty-two new boilers are under construction, comprising 3 Class D, 4 Class F, 6 Class J, 1 Class S, 10 Class Wf, and 8 Class X. Carriages. —The car stock on Ist April, 1907, consisted of 966 cars, and the stock on 31st March, 1908, was 1,002 cars. Fifty new cars, Class A, were built in the Eailway Workshops and put into service; these comprised three 60ft. suburban cars, one 60.ft. motor-train car, and forty-six 47^ft. cars. Three old D, four-wheel, cars were sold, and are beingvjreplaced with standard-type cars ; eight old cars were altered to goods-wagons, and three condemned cars were replaced by new cars provided out of revenue. The seating accommodation has been increased by the additional cars 6 per cent. A number of additional cars have been equipped with lavatory accommodation, cushioned seats in second-class compartments, platform gates and gangways. The following table gives details of the repairs, &c, to cars for the year : —


Number and Type. Particulars. Pourcylinder ''Balanced Tender Compound" Engines. Tender Engines. "Articulated Com- T k *£-" Engines. Engines. p Pell Engines. Pai; dies. Total. Single. Double. I umber passed through shops Juilt new te-erected 'horoughly overhauled leavy repairs jight repairs 'ainted and varnished "ouched up 17 3 14 3 8 182 1 2 22 77 80 22 65 8 3 224 6 2 20 106 90 49 39 6 "(8 2/3 1 18 6 5 5 5 "3 2 . 462 10 4 43 213 192 79 117

Description. ■a o. CO -^ c3 03 |§ 1-3 I g '8 S "3 I" H I '8 Si Ph 00 3 DD 0) a O 2 "E* on "aT «■$ • a 03 3 '— EH H O s I 6 - H o t E a> -■ ioilers 224 18 87 119 64 15 2 7 50

. Number and Type of Gars. Particulars. Total. Bogie. Six-wheel. Four-wheel. Number passed through shops ... Built new Eebuilt Converted 1,462 50 1 26 380 1,005 354 491 40 28 1,525 50 1 26 392 1,056 380 495 Heavy repairs Light repairs ... Painted and varnished... Touched up and re varnished 6 M 18 3 6 17 8 1