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Small Grazing-runs, Hawke's Bay Land District, Poverty Bay, the Leases of which expire on the 28th February, 1909.

* Not suitable for subdivision. 11» suitable (or subdivision. Henry Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

2459/1 ISa. S.G. Runs. (Urgent.) (iisbome, 22nd February, 1908. Tin- Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. Re Small Grazing-runs, Waingaromia, Tokomaru, and I'awa Surrey Districts. I have the- I in to call your attention to the special conditions recommended with respect to the following runs, to which I omitted to make special reference in forwarding reports. Sue., hut which you will liml are embodied in said reports. I append copies of the notioes that I have sent to the respective lessees. Small Grazing-run No. 42; Y. Hall. Small Grazing-run No. 13; l>. G. Black. Small Grazing-run No. 16; Fitzgerald Bros. 1 would respectfully submit that by giving the lessees the option of accepting new leases as proposed the requirements of closer settlement will be met, and at the same time, in all probability, ii will greatly assist in removing the present discontent displayed by the tenants. Henry Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lands. To be considered by Hon. Mr. McNab on return to Wellington.—W.C.K. 86/2/08. Runs 17, 66, 45, 1 and 2of 48, to be subdivided and disposed of. Hun 16 to he offered on renewal lease to the present occupiers. R. McNab. 4/3/1908. Department of Lands, Wellington, sth March, 1908. Commissioner of Crown hands, Napier. lie Small Grazing-run*. Is reply to your 2459/114, of the 18th ultimo, and subsequent correspondence in regard to cerlain small grazing-runs in the Hawke's Bay and Poverty Bay Districts, the Hon. the Minister of Lands has now decided that Small <. razing-runs Nos. 17, 66, 45, and Lots I ami 2 of 13, are to hesubdivided for closer settlement and disposed of under the optional system. In regard to Small Grazing-run No. 45, already mentioned, it will have to be subdivided for closer settlement, hut you should first apply to Messrs. Bloomfield Bros., and ascertain if they are willing to sell the area which they own between the boundary of the- run and the road through Block VII, Waingaromia Survey District, and, if so. at what price. If they are willing to sell on reasonable terms, we will of course close with then, at once, and then use the road as a frontage for the subdivisions. With regard to the runs to lie resumed for closer settlement, please semi me a certified schedule of the improvement values to be entered upon our estimates for appropriation by Parliament. Of course these values will be loaded upon the respective lands resumed. Wm. Kensington, Under-Secretary. Department of Lands and Survey. District Office, Napier, 19th March, liios. The Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. Re Small Grazing-runs. In reply to your letter 57766/10, of the sth instant, 1 have the honour to state- that the Hon. the Minister's decision, as conveyed therein, xvas notified to the Land Board at its meeting on the 13th instant.

4— ('. -20.

■gj itf Value of Prairie Value. ImproyeIllrllts. Present Proposed . _ „ Rental. Rental. Lessee. 14* 24 I'oliui 19* 16 Nuhaka .. 20t 17 A. K. P. 823 0 0 1,983 ii- ii 2,268 0 0 Hawke's Bay. t s. d. I 2,064 0 0 408 8,625 0 0 3,626 8,066 0 0 3,250 E s. d.j £ I. i. -'<■» 0 0 r>1 12 0 Todd and Qriffea 40 :{ 2 DO I--' 8 s. and .J. A. Bkok. 30 0 2 .. Crossc. Barker, and Nelson. Hit titi Taramarama 17* 67 28] 46 Tokomaru and Uawa L'4f 4."i Waiiigaroinia 26* 42 27f 43. Lot 1 27t 43, Lot 2 * 1,894 0 0 983 2 (i 6,000 ii 0 3,368 1 20 1,196 n ii 1,928 2 32 2,425 :i 8 Poverty Bay. 2,867 10 0 LOO 1,475 15 0 1.120 18,860 0 0 16,280 10,858 0 i> S.SL , .-. 13,786 0 0 12,879 0,983 0 0 6,078 23 13 l> .. D. Couper. 12 ti (i t I). K. O'Neill. 31 6 0 .. M. M. and G. Pitagerald. 21 o 0 .. J. A. A. Ceear. 2t> 4 5 344 12 7 F. Hall. 13 10 0 .. R. ajBlaok. Iβ 10 0 8,576 0 0 7,665 -J