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Molybdenite is of common occurrence, and is sometimes in excess of other metalliferous con stituents. 11l some cases it probably replaces the ferro-liiagiiesiau minerals of the greisen veins. It usually occurs as slickeiisided coatings mi joint-faces, and also appears as stringers sometimes nearly an inch in thickness, tilling fracture-spaces in the vein material, while again it is more finely distributed throughout the gangue. The oxide, molybdite, is frequently seen mi weathered - v i faces. Zinc-blende has been observed in small amount in one instance, while scheelite anil galena are said to have been found also. Description of the Outcrops. The principal veins exposed outcrop ill the beds of Silver anil Specimen creeks, and are known as the Mount Radiant ami .New Anaconda reefs respectively. Itesiilos these, at least nine other outcrops of in I ueraliseil vein material have been located, while indications of copper have been observed in many places. Mount Haitian! I/erf. This vein formation outcrops iii the bed ami mi both banks of Silver Cieek, about ."ill chains east of the t rigonoiiiei i icai station recently erected on Mount Radiant, and al an elevation of 2,780 ft. above sea level."" On the liortherii bank a small prospecting-drive shows the vein-format ion to resemble a stockwork, the constituent veins varying in thickness from I in. to .'ift., and the whole showing a total width of 1 chain. It is probable, however, that (he north-eastern wall has not yet been reached. Prospect ing-work has been carried on above the drive, showing conditions similar to those prevailing below. Indications of copper, bearing witness to the widespread nature of the mineralisation in this vicinity, are found ."> chains higher up the stream, and in the small branch stream altovc the drive. Owing to the nature of the mil crop its strike is difficult I" determine, though the individual veins have a mole or less north easterly trend. It 18 probable, however, that the whole vein format ion has a north-north west st like. Molybdenite is here the most prominent mineral of ec< mic value, but chalcopyrite is general, with a little bornite ami stains of malachite. I ron-sulphnles are also in evidence. The highest values are carried by a rein about 2ft. Sin. in width, split by a small " horse" of mineralised country; and appearing jus! at the entrance of the drive. In this vein both chalcopyrite ami molybdenite are strongly developed, the latter along shear faces sometimes 2ft. to 'ift. in vei tieal extension and nearly half an inch in width. It is frequently associated with pink ortho elase, which appears irregularly throughout the vein, but is by no means confined to the feldspar gangue. Chalcopyrite is seen in bunches and st ringers, as well as in smaller particles, through out the gangue. Samples from various parts of the formation assayed as follows: —

New Anaconda Reef. In the headwaters of Specimen Creek, and three-quarters of a mile above its junction with the Little Wanganui River, at an altitude of 1,850 ft. above sea-level.* is the New Anaconda Reef. This is a well-defined vein exposed continuously for 24 chains, but distinctly traceable in a north north-westerly direction for 124 chains, while huge well-mineralised "floaters" indicate a probable further emit i nuance for an equal distance. Its southerly extension is obscured by debris. It has a width in Specimen Creek of 25 ft., and strikes about 165° 11 rue), with steep easterly di p. The vein-material consists principally of quartz, though feldspar is common. The metalliferous contents are similar to those of the Mount Radiant Reef, but molybdenite is much less in evidence, copper minerals being generally predominant. The highest values, showing as irregular patches and stringers of ohalcopyrite up t" Jin. in width, are carried iii a (ift. zone near the foot wall of the vein. Klsewhere Ihe met alliferous const ituents are not so strongly developed, bunches of ore occurring at irregular intervals throughout the gangue. The following results were obtained from Samples selected from the New Anaconda Reef:

Locality. Gold. Gold. Silver. Silver. Copper. Molybdenum. (1.) Country rock from face of drive (2.) Vein near end of drive (8.) Country rock between first and second veins (4.) Vein at entrance to drive (5.) Exposure above mouth of drive Gr. 05 oh 60 15-0 Oz. 0 0 2 0 dwt. 1 1 8 13 g r - 6 21 13 2 Per Cent. 032 0-74 0-41 1-20' 046 Per Cent. 003 0-08 0-21 1-76 0-82

Locality. Gold. Silver. Silver. Copper. Molybdenum. Gr. Oz. dwt. gr. Per Cent. 023 2-37 Per Cent. 021 005 (1.) South end of reef above creek (2.) Highly mineralised band in creek, south end of reef (3.) Across face, main exposure ... 1 (4) Along face, main exposure ... 2 (5.) Face below sample 4 ... ... 4 (6.) Northern end, main exposure ... 2 0 1 21 0 8 9 1 5 5 0 18 7 0-25 2-32 0-90 0-41 003 0-15 005 0-25 'Barometric heig ghts.