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Tons. Canterbury ... ... ... ... ... ... 23,679 Otago ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 295,350 Southland ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 142,981 Total ... ... ... ... ... ... 462,010 Output for previous year ... ... ... ... 465,435 Decrease for 1907 ... ... ... ... 3,425 The contributions by coal-owners to the Coal-miners' Relief Fund amounted to £462 Bs. 2d., while payments from the fund to the amount of £491 Cs. 3d. have been recommended on account of accidents which have occurred in and about coal-mines in this district during the year.

Summary of Outputs.

Outputs of 10,000 Tons. Contributions to Output, 1907. Coalminers' Relief Fund. Tons. £ s. d. Kaitangata and Castle Hill ... ... ... 101,818 98 9 10 Nightcaps ... ... ... ... ... 49,337 51 7 6 Saddle Hill CollieriesNo. 1 ... ... ... ... ... 8,532 816 8 No. 2 ... ... ... ... ... 22,421 23 7 1 Freeman's ... ... ... ... ... 24,126 22 8 7 Jubilee ... ... ... ... ... 21,330 22 2 4 Allandale ... ... ... ... ... 18,408 19 3 4 Taratu ... ... ... ... ... 17,513 16 13 11 Homebush ... ... ... ... ... 13,879 11 15 7 Bruce ... ... ... ... ... 12,077 12 11 8 Tons. Fireclay (Canterbury and Otago) ... ... ... 4,465 Haematite (Table Hill, Otago) ... ... ... ... ... 20 Phosphate rock ... ... ... ... ... 5,000 Marl ... Lime ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15,345 Sand ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 16,512 Accidents. During the year 113 cases of accident were reported, one accident resulting in the deaths of the three men, while five might be termed serious. The balance—lo7—mainly trivial accidents incidental to the calling—were chiefly reported in connection with claims for relief from the Coalminers' Relief Fund, there being no Sick and Accident Fund in connection with the miners' associations in this district. For various reasons five of the claims were not gone on with, and two claims were not admitted to the benefits of the fund. All accidents were inquired into, and reports on those of a serious nature were duly forwarded to you by me. There were no serious accidents during the year by falls from roof or sides of working-places. Fatal Accidents. 21st June, 1907.-—William Duncan, forty-nine, deputy; Patrick Welsh, fifty-two, roadsman; and William Carson, thirty-six, roadsman; Nightcaps Colliery, Nightcaps: Poisoned by white damp from underground fire.

District. Output, 1907. Output for O ago. Output, 1906. Increase, 1907. Decrease, 1907. Contributions to Coal-miners' Relief Fund. Canterbury North Otago ... South Otago Central Otago ... Southland Tons. 23,679 23,075) 227,847 44,428) 142,981 295,350 'Tons. 26,553 f 26,907 ■ 223,015 53,059 135,901 Tons. 4,832 Tons. 2,874 3,832 £ s. d. 21 14 2 23 17 9 223 17 6 44 11 10 148 6 11 7,080 8,681 Totals 462,010 465,435 11,912 15,337 462 8 2