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Ventilation good. A new dip near the main incline has been driven 70 yards in No. 2 6 ft. seam, and levels are being broken off. Haulage from this dip is effected by a 30-horse power electromotor. Ventilation throughout the mine was good. Safety-lamp inspection made. Rules posted. Report-books and plan kept. South Otago. Fernhill Coal Cowpany, Abbotsford (James Gray, lessee and manager). —(5/12/1907) : Air at intake 10,500 cubic feet per minute. Mine in good order, and ventilation adequate. Moisture is apparent on the roof and sides of the coal-drives underlying the Silverstream water-race, due, the lessee states, to percolation from the water-race. The workings are taken narrow under the race area, and are properly secured where necessary. The excellent deposit of building-sand on this property continues to be extensively worked for supply to Dunedin and surrounding districts. Freeman's Coal Company, Abbotsford (J. Sneddon, manager).—(3o/5/1907): Mine and ventilation in fair condition throughout. The breast of north-going places are in solid ; centre dip workings are being pillared and robbed to the barrier to dip. (29/10/1907): Air warm in two pillaring places, from which the men were withdrawn and accommodated elsewhere. With these exceptions, ventilation generally well conducted by air-stoppings and brattice as required. (5/12/1907): Preparations well in hand for utilisation of the new upcast air-shaft, whereby ventilation of the adjoining workings in solid will be confined to this section of work, and separated from the pillaring area, which latter is tp be ventilated as formerly by means of No. 1 furnace shaft. (Subsequent to this date the air was changed with highly satisfactory results.) Coal-winning is carried out in a safe manner, an ample supply of timber being kept and used as considered necessary. Spontaneous fires on the fringe of the waste continue to be dealt with as occasions require—that is to say. the fires are attacked in their incipient stages and filled away or blocked off as may be most expedient. Report-books and plan to date. Green Island Colliery, Green Island (T. Barclay, jun., manager: Green Island Minerals Company, owners). —(6/12/1907): New dip drive is 135 ft. to the face, partly driven under old workings of small extent. Water draining off gradually, and no danger is to be apprehended from that cause in the meantime. As work advances, however, water standage in the old shaft workings will require to be guarded against. Jubilee Colliery, Saddle Hill (IV Campbell, mine-manager : Jubilee Coal Company, owners). —(10/7/1007^1: The mine-workings and roadways are in good order. Working is now being prosecuted to eastern portion of lease. Ventilation good all round the faces. Air-current at mine-mouth, 6,792 cubic feet per minute. Report-book in order. Plan kept. Seventeen men employed. (6/12/1907): Coal-seam strong, and roof and sides in safe condition. Pillaring to the outcrop of the north-easterly portion of the mine is being safely conducted. Burtueell Colliery (including Glenochiel), Saddle Hill (Adam Harris, owner and manager).— (12/7/1907): The workings have been carried down in a solid rib, skirted on either side by old working. The mine is now being extended into solid. Working-faces and roadways in good order. The present return is through fallen ground, and the shaft-connections should be made with the new workings for a fresh ventilating-course. Report-book in order. Rules posted. Eight men employed. (6/12/1907) : The air in the dip working-places was impregnated with black damp, a place having been pricked through to old workings. A new air-drift to a shaft conveniently situated is to be commenced forthwith, to provide increased ventilation and improved second outlet. Saddle Hill Colliery No. 1, Saddle Hill (Christie Bros., owners: W. W. Ogilvie, manager).—' (12/7/1907): Work is now confined to lower dip workings. Working-faces and roadways in good working-order. Excellent ventilation is maintained by two separate systems, one of which circulates through the upper workings standing on pillars. The furnace at upcast shaft was in good order, but the shaft-bottom required to be widened, being somewhat contracted by the furnace as built. Report-book up to date. Rules posted. (6/12/1907): Ventilation excellent. Condition of roadways anil working-places safe and strong. Saddle Hill Colliery No. 2, Saddle llill (Christie Bros., owners: Robert Hill, manager).— (10/7/1907): Extraction of pillars in No. 1 district is being successfully continued. No. 2 district is being developed. A small fault was found to affect the coal on either side for half a chain. (16/10/1907): No. 1 district is exhausted and closed, and work is now concentrated in No. 2 district. Air dull and stale in two workmen's places. The drive to new furnace-shaft is, however, nearly through, when great improvement should occur. (6/12/1907): Air at intake, 8,000 cubic feet per minute. New brick furnace is acting well, and ventilation of working-places is now efficient. Mosgiel Colliery, Mosgiel. —Owing to the troubled nature of the area by faulting, work has been suspended indefinitely. Lauriston Colliery, Dtniean Settlement, Brighton Road (J. R. Walker, owner and manager). -(11/7/1907): The lower portion of the dip workings are flooded. The lessee states that this is due to some road-formation interfering with drainage outfall. Work is now going on in the rise section of the mine. Ventilation good. McColl's Coal-pit. Duncan Settlement, Brighton Road (D. L. McColl).—(11 /7/1907) : This pit maintains a limited output. Ventilation good. Seam low and working drives narrow. Drummuir Coal-mine. Brighton (A. Louden). —The seam proved thin, and is not now worked. Real Marl-ay Colliery. Milton (Lovell's Flat Coal Company, owners: James Carruthers. manager).—(lo/5/1907): Operations are being carried on in the 7 ft. seam. All work in the mine is confined to bringing back pillars. This work is being well carried on, and a good extraction is being made. Timber as required is well used. Ventilation good, being maintained by