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SECTION III.—ACCIDENTS. Summary of fatal and non-fatal accidents classified, and cause :—

The following statement shows the tons of mineral raised (coal and shale), persons employed, lives lost, &c., from 1878 to 1907: —

Fatal Acci cci idents. Non-fatal Accidents. Number of Separate Fatal Aocidents. Number of Deaths. Number of Persons injured, „ , . „ including those Number of Sepa- il)jure(J b » A(Jci . rate Non-fatal w \ l>ch Accidents. prove(J Pa , a , tQ their Companions. Explosions of firedamp ?alls in mine ... ... ... 5 Shaft accidents ... ... 2 iliscellaneous— Underground ... ... 1 On surface ... ... ... 2 5 2 3 2 11 12 18 18 4 4 1 — 1 — Totals ... ... 10 12 33 34 33 34 - Lives lust per 1,000 persona employed, ,'i'07.

Year. Persons employed. Output of Mineral. Tons of Mi T al Tons of raised per Mi , each Per Mineral '"„„ raised per , 8on , em .' Life lost, ployed Underground. Persons emplojed per each Life lost. Lives lost per Thousand Persons employed. Number of Deaths. i Above. Below. Total. Prior 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890. ... 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 709,931 162,218 147 366 51c 231,218 80S 299,923 1,03£ 337,262 96J 378,272 1,04. 421,764 361 888 1,24? 480,831 393 890 1,28c 511,063 338 1,145 I 1,48$ 534,353 392 I 1,213 \ 1,60. : 558,620 388 1,111 1,49$ 613,895 414 1,275 1,68? 586,445 466 1,251 1,71*. 637,397 512 1,334 1,846 668,794 416 ! 1,277 1,69c 673,315 i 485 1,196 1,681 691,548 : 590 1,298 1,886 719,546 506 1,393 1,89? 726,654 525 1,274 1,79? 792,851 590 1,347 1,937 840,713 i 531 1,381 1,915 907,033 556 1,447 2,00c 975,234 554 1,599 j 2,15c 1,093,990 617 1,843 | 2.46C 1,239,686 688 2,066 2,754 1,365,040 803 2,082 2,88£ 1,420,229 717 2,135 2,852 1,537,838 763 2,525 3,28S 1,585,756 833 2,436 3,26? 1,729,536 1,174 2,518 3,692 1,831,009 1,143 2,767 3.91C 366 ... 888 890 1,145 1,213 1,111 1,275 1,251 1,334 ! 1,277 1,196 1,298 1,393 1,274 1,347 1,381 1,447 1,599 1,843 2,066 2,082 2,135 2,525 2,436 2,518 2,767 513 802 1,038 963 1,043 1,249 1,283 1,483 1,605 1,499 1,689 1,717 1,846 1,693 1,681 1,888 1,899 1,799 1,937 1,912 2,003 2,153 2,460 2,754 2,885 2,852 3,288 3,269 3,692 3,910 443 : 4,771 115,609 149,901 337,262 189,136 475 210,882 540 160,277 456 170,354 440 503 139,655 i 481 153,474 261 146,611 477 79,674 167,198 563 673,315 533 138,305 516 I 119,924 618 145,331 588 12,013 609 ; 210,178 627 907,033 609 325,078 593 273,497 600 413,228 655 682,520 665 355,057 609 384,459 651 264,293 687 288,256 662 , 152,584 15 401 519 963 521 624 421 494 375 422 313 231 423 1,681 377 316 360 29 478 2,003 717 615 918 1,443 713 822 546 615 326 66-27 2-49 192 104 1-91 1-60 284 201 2-66 2-36 2-87 4-33 2-36 066 2 64 316 333 34-07 209 0-49 1-39 1-62 109 069 1-40 1-21 1-83 1-62 3-07 84' 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 0 4 4 4 8 4 1 5 6 5 66 + 4 1 3 4 3 2 4 4 6 6 12 Totals... 25,261,964 205 ! • No life lost. f Yeai of Kaitai igata explosion. { Year of Brunner exploi lion.