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Mr. T. W. Rhodes, Secretary to the Coromandel School of Mines, to the Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. g IK) Coromandel, 7th March, 1908. Your Council have pleasure in stating that the school is now well equipped, and in charge of a capable and diligent Director. The past year has been a somewhat eventful one to the institution, as, owing to the resignation of Mr. D. V. Allen, B.Sc, A.0.5.M., in July last, the teaching was disorganized. Arrangements were made with Messrs. R. E. Jamieson and A. H. Gatland to carry on until the end of 1907. Applications were invited for the position of Director, and out of a numb* r of gentlemen possessing high testimonials Mr. Andrew C. Cotton was selected. When Mr. Cotton accepted the position and entered upon his duties he held the degree of B.Sc, but since then he has received intimation that he has won the M.Sc. degree, with honours. We have pleasure in congratulating him upon his added honours, and feel sure that he will rise still higher in the scientific world. We regret that the results attained by students at the last examination were not so good as we have had in the past, but, considering all the circumstances, a high percentage of passes could hardly be looked for. We trust that now the school has assumed its normal condition, that students will put forth extra exertion, and strive to grasp the advantages within their reach. Mr. W. E. Carlyon was the only student who won a certificate, and he passed in bullion-assaying. Thanks are due to Messrs. Jamieson and Gatland for having so cordially undertaken the work of carrying on the school during the interregnum ; also to Mr. Jamieson, sen., for acting as batterymanager. The finances are in a healthy condition, as.'although the account at the end of our financial year showed a debit of £11 os. 9d., we* had a good asset in the Government subsidy and grant due, which has since been received. At the present moment the accounts are in credit, there being sufficient to provide for all contingent liabilities and to procure a few requisites.

Statement of Receipts and Expenditure of the Coromandel School of Mines for the Year ended 31st January, 1908.

Statement of Receipts and Expenditure of Public Battery for the Period ended 31st January, 1908.

Mr. W. P. Worley, Director of the Nelson School of Mines, to the Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Si ß ,_ Nelson, 19th March, 1908. I have the honour to lay before you my report of School of Mines work done in Nelson for the year 1907. It affords me much pleasure to say that the Nelson School of Mines, though only a small institution, and scarcely worthy of the high-sounding title " School of Mines," has been able during the past year not only to maintain its efficiency, but rather to increase its usefulness, as the subjoined detailed account of the work accomplished will show. Blowpipe Analysis Classes. These classes are still very popular, for, as often as old boys leave, others are anxious to come ii; and take their places,

Receipts. Government grants Class fees Members' fees Donations (F. Jeune, f 1 2s. ; T. W. Rhodes) Assays Sale of coke to Bank of New Zealand Refund excess accident insurance Debit balance, Bank of New Zealand £ i, i 190 7 0 10 5 0 8 0 0 2 3 0 0 10 0 2 4 0 0 9 0 11 0 9 Expenditure. , , ,1 Overdraft, Bank of New Zealand, at end of last period .. .. .. .. 13 13 8 Salaries .. .. .. .. 169 17 4 Fire insurance .. .. .. 2 14 0 Accident insurance .. .. .. 1 19 0 Transfers to battery .. .. .. 16 10 0 Chemicals and requisites .. .. .. 14 1 0 Advertising for Director . . .. ..'390 Bank charges, &c. .. .. .. 16 9 Cash in hand .. .. .. .. 18 0 £224 18 9 £224 18 9

Receipts. _ ,. d . Expenditure. t , 4 levenue from crushings .. .. .. 18 15 6 Salaries, &c. .. .. .. 32 15 2 ransfer from School of Mines Account, Go- Balance in bank .. .. •. .. 2 10 4 vernment grants, &c. .. .. 16 10 0 £35 5 6 £35 5 6 I have, &<■... T. W. Rhodes, Secretary.