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Examinations. At the annual examinations for mine and battery managers, held in January, 1907, two students sat for mine-managsrs, and both failed. One sat to complete as battery-manager and passed, having secured a partial pass the previous year. At the class examinations held in December last, fourteen students presented themselves, obtaining the following certificates : ten first, thirteen second, and thirteen third. In the practical examinations thirteen first-class certificates were obtained at Karangahake and two at Waikino. Three students also qualified for Customs certificates as bullion-assayers. The gold medal so generously donated by the President, Mr. C. H. Tresize, for the highest aggregate in four subjects was won by C. A. McCombie, who obtained an average of 704 per cent, in four subjects ; W. Smith was second with 68-75 per cent, in four subjects. This scholar headed the list in these four subjects for the whole of the northern schools. Electrical Class. This class has not been at all satisfactory during the year, owing to it being without an instructor for a great portion of the time, but with the installation of the dynamo, storage batteries, and additional apparatus, together with the services of Mr. H. Dodson, late of Rainsgate College and Hiram Maxim Laboratory, there is no doubt that the class will prove a success this year. Additions, etc. During the year a dynamo and petrol-engine were imported from England, the installation of which is nearing completion. A 15-in. V level and staff wore imported from Messrs. W. and E. Gurley, New York. This is a splendid instrument, and will be a great boon to the surveying class, as also will the prismatic compass and Abney level procured for the same class. The Hon. the Minister of Mines granted a subsidy of £2 to £1 up to an expenditure of £150 to procure the above, together v*ith other appliances required for the schools. There were also a number of useful works added to the library. Branch School at Waikino. This was opened in the new building at the beginning of the year, and the attendance has certainly warranted this step. The classes have been under the control of Mr. Gibson, A.0.5.M., for the last six months. School Scholarship. No student qualified for this during the year. Auckland School. The Council view with pleasure the proposed erection of a mining school in connection with the Auckland University, and hope that some satisfactory arrangement will be arrived at whereby students from the goldfield schools can pursue their studies and take a degree without having to study dead languages. Financial. The statement of accounts shows the total receipts for the year to have been £875 os. 2d., whilst the expenditure was £834 Is. 10d., leaving a credit balance of £40 18s. 4d. Thanks. The Council desires to thank the Hon. James McGowan, Minister of Mines, for his liberal assistance during the year ; the Ohinemuri County Council and others, for donations ; Mr. T. E. Ballard, for honorary services in auditing the books of the institution ; and Mr. C. Banks, for conducting the drawing classes at Waikino. General. The Council wish to put on record the appreciation of the work done by the Director and assistant during the year, and also to thank those gentlemen whose donations from year to year have helped the school to its present forward position. I have, &c, R. R. Lloyd, Secretary.

Mr. A. Bruce, Secretary to the Thames School of Mines, to the Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Sir,— Thames, 20th February, 1908. It is with much pleasure that the Council present to you the twenty-second annual report of this school of mines. The attendance at the school during the year was as follows : — First Term. Second Term. Third Term. Registered students .. .. .. .. 62 67 45 Saturday science class .. 20 28 16 82 95 61 The class attendances were 03. 101. and 80 in the respective terms.