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ore. The undergrowth has also been cleared, so as to ascertain the width of the faces and values. Trial lines have also been run, so as to see how the'ore can be got out. r "jThe country is densely covered Jrwith bush, and the hills are very steep and rugged. Over £105 was paid in wages during this half-year. During the next six months a sum of £219 ss. was spent in labour alone—cutting tracks and clearing the ore-faces of scrub—and that work done has disclosed ore-bodies not seen or examined or sampled by Dr. Bell or his assistants during their cursory examination of the iron-ore deposits upon the area that the warrant is held over. The iron-ore outcrops have been traced running for a long distance southwards. Parapara Mineral Lease (Iron) (held by the Public Trustee). —As far as I am aware, the conditions of this lease have been complied with, excepting that I did not consider that the full number of men were employed after the 15th August, 1907. This was duly reported by me the same month. The lease was under protection during the early part "of the year, then prospecting operations were carried on, and a goodjjdeal of scrub-clearing and road-making was done. 1908, an application was again made for protection, the Minister ofJMines consented to, and protection was granted up to the end of June, 1908—a period of five months and nine days. You will kindly remember that I mentioned to you when you were here last Court day (20th February) that I could supply very little information about this lease. I'know nothing of the expenditure whatever. I have more than once asked the agent here for the lessee for returns, as required by clause 8 of the lease, which half-yearly returns were to be made to the Receiver of Gold Revenue at Collingwood, commencing from the 31st day of December, 1906. The agreement entered into between the iron syndicate to purchase Washboum Bros.' ground, held by mineral license, has been completed, and the sum of £10,000 has been paid over by the Public Trustee to Washboum Bros, on the 28th2February, 1908. This valuable bit of ground is to be added to the original lease, which will be increased by 56 acres or more. I have, &c., H. Eyre-Kenny, Warden.

Mr. Warden T. Scott Smith, Blenheim, to the Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Sir,— Warden's Office, Blenheim, 30th April, 1908. In submitting my annual report I have only to state that there is nothing calling for special comment in regard to any class of mining. No fresh discoveries have been made or new ground opened up. Gold-mining is practically confined to the Wairau Valley Company's operations at Top Valley, although a little prospecting is being done in other localities. In this connection it might be mentioned that a couple of claims at Jackson's Head, which were the scene of operations some years back, but afterwards abandoned, are being given a fresh trial by a party of miners, with what result remains yet to be seen. Antimony was the cause of some little stir in mining circles in the early part of the year, withjthe result that a number of mining rights were applied for. These, however, are, I understand, not being worked. During the year seventy-one applications for mining privileges were received in the Warden's office ; and the Court sat on thirty-five days. I have, &c, T. Scott Smith, Warden.

Mr. Warden Rawson. Westport, to the Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Sir,— Warden's Office, Westport, 14th April, 1908. I have the honour to report as follows upon the gold-mining industry in the Westport portion of the Karamea Mining District for the twelve months ended the 31st December, 1907: — Westport. There were granted seven alluvial claims, and five quartz claims, as compared with six alluvial and five quartz claims for the year 1906. There are no dredging claims at work at present. The principal form of mining is alluvial. At Addison's about thirty-five miners are kept steadily employed. The past year has been a very good one, the claims getting very payable returns. Along the various beaches it is estimated there are twenty beachcombers at work, and they are all averaging fair returns. A few sluicing claims have been working steadily at Fairdown. At Giles's Creek a party of sluicers have had a very successful year. At Waimangaroa trouble, has been experienced from the wet nature of the ground. An appliance for pumping, driven by an oil-engine, has been worked with success, and resulted in several fresh claims being taken up. A few miners are working at German Gully. Two quartz claims have been working steadily during the year —the Red Queen, about ten miles north of Mokihimii, and the Britannia., between Birchfield and Waimangaroa. The Red Queen has been worked on tribute. Both claims have kept thirteen miners employed.