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Thames and Coromandel. The gold produced on that portion of the field situated within these two counties amounted to £179,984, of which the Thames is entitled to £174,665jand Coromandel to £53,190. The Thames County amount was contributed by the following mines : Waiotahi, £149,820 ; May Queen,j£l,99B ; NewMay Queen, £1,772 ; New Maratoto, £864 ; Kuranui, £839 ; Victoria, £720 ; Kirikiri, £675 ; Silver Stream, £660; New Saxon, £153; May Queen Extended, £157; Kuranui Caledonian, £126; New Moanataiari, £66; New Dart, £13; Trafalgar, £10; Watchman, £6; Tairua Broken Hills, £10,495; Golden Belt, £4,763 ; Tairua Triumph, £58. And that of Coromandel from the following mines : Royal Oak (by tributers), £2,704 ; Hauraki Freeholds (by tributers), £600 ; Old Kapanga (by tributers), £453; Old Hauraki, £100 ; Royal;Oak;('ompany, £80 ; Old Kapanga Company, £15 ; Monte Christo, £8 ; Golden Hill, £8 ; Sunbeam, Great Barrier Island, £646 ; Kapowai Guintown, £464 ; Waitaia Kuaotuna (by tributers), £126 ; Waitaia Company, £112. There are several other claims on the register in both these counties from which'no returns have been received, and which are either protected or working with a small number of men with the permission of the Warden. It is rumoured that Kapanga Company are intending to prospect the lower levels, and, if any inducement offers, they will be worked again. The Ferguson syndicate, which took up several properties over the field, have not yet been able to set to work properly, owing to the plant not yet being erected. It is anticipated when the works are finished, and operations commence, all the complex ores hitherto useless for the want of a process for treatment will be dealt with ; and if the present anticipations are realised, there will be nothing to prevent the extraction of the precious metal. Should the company be able to accomplish what they claim, it will prove a great boon to the field. I have, &c, R. S. Bush, Warden.

Mr. Warden Roberts, Tauranga, to the Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Sir, — Warden's Office, Tauranga, Ist February, 1908. I have the honour tojreport, for the information of the Hon. the Minister of Mines, that the mining industry in the Tauranga Subdistrict of the Hauraki Mining District for the year ending 31st December, 1907, has been at a standstill, excepting as regards to prospecting of a private nature, which, however, proved resultless. I have, &c, J. M. Roberts, Warden.

Mr. Warden Dyer, Auckland, to the I nukr-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Sra, — Magistrate's Office, Auckland, 6th February, 1908. I have to report that there has little change in mining matters during last year in the Puhipuhi Mining District. During the year twenty-three miners' rights, eight ordinary prospecting licenses, one mineral license, one special quartz claim, and one machine license have been granted. Prospecting is'going on steadily and quietly, and there appears to be no lack of interest in the industry. The district contains a great variety ofjjminerals, and if any of these minerals were obtained in payable quantities mining activity would soon develop. I have, &c, J. W. Dyer, Warden.

Mr. Warden Eyre-Kenny, Nelson, to the Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Sir,— Warden's Office, Nelson, 26th March, 1908. I have the honour to forward herewith my report for the past year upon the mining district under my administration. Subdistrict of Collingwood. Parapara Hydraulic Sluicing and Mining Company (Limited). —This company is the holder of three special alluvial claims. Mr. J. Bassett is the manager. During the year this company has been carrying on mining operations on their ground at Appo's Flat, which ground was hitherto unworked by the. company, and from which ground I stated in my last report that the company had reason to hope for good returns. This anticipation has been realised. During the early part of the year the company was sluicing away surfacing by free level at Appo's Flat, and though during January and February there was a shortage of water, still by the 24th June last the company had won 254 oz. of gold. On the last-named date the company commenced elevating, which enabled it to reach better wash in the deep ground. From the 24th June to the 19th December the company obtained the handsome return of 733 oz., making 987 oz. for the year, valued at something over £3,700. The company have now a good face of wash to operate on, and will probably continue elevating for several years to come. The wash is highly payable at a depth of about 20 ft. below the surface, where the creek-wash is laid on the white-quartz wash. During the year the company have kept employed an average of eleven men. Slate River Sluicing Company (Limited). —This company was at the commencement of the year the holder of two special claims, in addition to which it took up an extended claim ; but about the middle of the year the company surrendered one of the special claims. I hiring the last six- months of the year the ground has been worked on tribute. The tributer, Mr. O'Hara, the previous manager, did